After fourteen years of Sálvame, the audience thinks they know the team that makes up the program. Or, at least, it seems. And it is that, although daily we can see the collaborators commenting on all kinds of news, in addition to talking about their time away from the sets, on occasions, the spectators cannot even imagine some of the anecdotes they have experienced.

So much so that, this Thursday during the last hour broadcast on Mitele Plus, Gemma López, María Patiño or Kiko Hernández, among others, revealed the most surreal situations once the camera was turned off. Having been pointed at with a gun, having been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, or even having gone out to a party with a murderer, are some of them. Seeing is believing.

Mayte Ametlla proposed in the last hour of the program, Sálvame Naranja Plus, a game to discover the best kept secrets of collaborators. The test consisted of the following: a statement appeared on the screen and the commentators had to defend what appeared while the rest had to vote if it was true or false. One more way to discover the most unspeakable secrets of those who entertain the Telecinco audience every afternoon.

The first question was addressed to Gemma López: “Were you marching with a murderer?” To which the journalist answered with a resounding “yes” to the surprise of those present. Next, she went on to relate how something like this was possible.

“I was on a march with a murderer and I shared the night with María Patiño, it was a week before she committed a crime,” said the collaborator. All her classmates believed her because yes, it was true. According to the story, Gemma and Maria went on vacation together, and every day they had breakfast and a drink at night in the same bar where they became friends with the owner of the establishment.

“We returned to Madrid and the following week it was published in the newspaper that the owner of the premises had murdered the waiter with a ham knife,” he explained.

Another of the questions was addressed to María Patiño: “Have you been in a psychiatric hospital? Something that the journalist said was true given the eating disorders suffered in the past. A place she had to go to because “in my generation, the way I was sick, there were no specialized centers, only private ones, and I was admitted to a military psychiatric hospital in Seville.”

However, Patiño preferred not to reveal “part of the story”, although he promised at another time to explain “how it all ended”. Luckily, he managed to overcome the disease, but not in this psychiatric hospital.

Another of the shocking confessions of the afternoon was made by Kiko Hernández when he confirmed that a gun was once pointed at his head. An event that happened to her on a trip to Nicaragua, where she went with a non-profit organization. Fortunately nothing happened to her and, despite the experience, she would repeat it because they helped many children.

Canales Rivera also made a surprising revelation this Thursday after explaining how he participated in open heart surgery. He happened to suffer a goring in a Latin American country and the cardiologist who treated him at the hospital offered him to witness an intervention of these characteristics. So much so that he “put it in my hand, it was burning and the sensation was pumping,” he said.