New Friday and new appointment program in Cuatro. First Dates has opened its doors one more night for several couples to try to find love. Although sometimes the mission is not so simple. That’s what Roberto and Noelia have tried.

Roberto is 36 years old and is from Cádiz. He assured that people think he is younger than he is. In love he has not had luck. The bachelor recounted that in a cavalcade in Cádiz Alejandro Sanz was disguised as a magician king and he threw a candy that broke his tooth. ”He broke my palette,” he confessed.

Noelia is 31 years old and is from Madrid. She was looking for a boy who has financial stability and who wants to have a family. The first impression has not been very good on Noelia’s part. The two remained silent and did not ask each other anything. ”I don’t like it,” she said. Noelia tried to guess Roberto’s age and she thought he was older than he was. The bachelor couldn’t believe that he had given him more years.

The appointment began with nerves on both sides. They were so nervous that they had forgotten the names. The single woman told him that she is a telemarketer. But when Roberto said that he had a fixed discontinuous contract, Noelia immediately rejected him. “I, a boyfriend with a fixed, discontinuous contract, don’t want it,” she declared.

As for the hobbies, they did not coincide either. She is more into scary movies and she hates classical music. Quite the opposite of what she likes the bachelor. Roberto confessed that he has had a thing for ordering spaghetti because she always ends up getting dirty. The bachelor was enchanting with Noelia but love is a matter of two and Noelia had already decided that she didn’t like her.

Roberto is also a person used to living in a small city and Noelia is used to Madrid. ”I’m more from the city,” she commented. Something they had in common is that they are people who do not like to attract attention. ”I don’t like a man to be shameless or so embarrassing,” she declared. The two paid for dinner in half and in the final decision Noelia rejected Roberto. “You can’t be with someone out of pity,” she assured.