The main candidates for the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana have already exercised this Sunday, May 28, their right to vote in regional and municipal elections that are expected to be very close.

The earliest riser has been the president of the Generalitat Valenciana and socialist candidate for re-election, Ximo Puig, who has called for the Valencian Community to once again have a “participation record” in these elections because democracy “is the taking of decision at decisive moments”.

Puig has made these statements to journalists at the Tourist Office of Morella (Castellón), where he has voted accompanied by one of his grandchildren, and has asserted that this May 28 is a “very important day for Valencians because today we decide the future of our community and of the town halls”.

For his part, the president of the PPCV and candidate for the Presidency, Carlos Mazón, faces election day with “great hope of opening a new stage in the Valencian Community.”

“Today we are facing a very important day”, declared the ‘popular’ candidate, who has exercised his right to vote in the city of Alicante, where he has encouraged “everyone to participate as much as possible because that means that there is democracy and a desire to express an opinion “.

The candidate for Compromís, Joan Baldoví, has also voted, who has ventured that, despite the rain, “it will be a historic day.” The Valencian leader has been convinced that his formation “will be the surprise of election night” and that his good result will be key to “there being a very strong government” that will allow “giving a new impetus to the Botànic” .

Meanwhile, the Vox candidate, Carlos Flores, has highlighted that since the starting gun was given to the elections in December, his formation “has increased its presence and territorial implantation” and for this reason “Vox has already won these elections.” “Now it’s about the Valencians winning and Spain winning,” he added.

Héctor Illueca, a candidate for Unides Podem, has also called for participation despite the rain and has stressed that it is “a day to turn our backs on the past and look to the future”. Illueca has shown himself convinced that democracy is an “opportunity for those below to change reality with their vote.”

Finally, Mamen Peris (Cs), has called for “all citizens to participate in the party of democracy” because “the fact of being able to vote is what makes us truly free and decisive.”

The more than 6,000 polling stations installed in the Valencian Community for this May 28 have been set up this Sunday with complete normality, except for some isolated incident, such as some forgetfulness of identification by one of their members.

This was explained by the Government delegate in the Valencian Community, Pilar Bernabé, at the beginning of this electoral day in which 3.7 million Valencians are called to the polls to elect their representatives in Les Corts Valencianes and the different town halls.

Bernabé explained that at 9:40 a.m. the 6,169 polling stations of the Valencian Community were constituted (the polls open at 9:00 a.m.), without any “remarkable incident” having occurred.