In Mataró, the current mayor, the socialist David Bote, has once again imposed himself with 11 councilors, although with a wear and tear of two councilors. The result obtained by the government partners of the PSC, En Comú Podem, will not allow the government pact to be reissued since the purple formation of Sergi Morales continues with two councilors. On the other hand, Junts per Catalunya, which repeated with Alfons Canela, retains the two councilors and could enter the pools to form a government. The right-wing parties burst into the capital of Maresme with force, with four councilors from Vox and two from the PP, to the detriment of C’s who disappears.

The new consistory will be made up of seven political formations, two more than in this last term. The candidacy of the Socialist Party has obtained 33.22% of the votes. Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya has been the second force, followed by VOX, Together for Mataró, Partido Popular, En Comú Podem Mataró and Candidacy of Unidad Popular.

45,744 people have exercised their right to vote in the 2023 Municipal Elections in Mataró, held on Sunday May 28 and in which 88,869 voters could participate. Participation was 51.46%, a figure 12.1 points below that obtained in the municipal elections held in 2019 (63.56%).

According to the provisional results published by the Ministry of the Interior, with 100% scrutinized, in this next mandate the configuration of the City Council will change, which will be made up of representatives of 7 political groups, 2 more than in that mandate.

The PSC was the most voted force. It has obtained 11 councilors, 2 less than in 2019. The formation led by David Bote has achieved 33.22% of the votes (14,978), 5.51 points less than in 2019. ERC remains the second force with four representatives, four fewer than he had. The party led by Pim Camprubí has ​​obtained 14.79% of the votes (6,671), 11.41 points less than in the last municipal elections.

VOX obtains representation in the consistory for the first time. With 5,664 votes (12.56%), the formation headed by Mónica Lora has obtained 4 councilors. The Popular Party returns to get representation in the City Council. Led by Cristian Escribano, the popular ones have obtained 3,897 votes, 8.64 percent.

Junts por Mataró has obtained 3 councilors, one more than in 2019. The party led by Alfons Canela has obtained the support of 9.26% (4,178) of the electorate, 2.95 points more than 4 years ago.

In Comú Podem Mataró it is the sixth force. The formation headed by Sergi Morales, with 7.37% of the votes (3,324), 0.63 points more than in 2019, maintains the 2 councilors it had.

The CUP also regains representation in the consistory. The formation headed by Carlos García has obtained 2,439 votes, 5.41 percent of the votes.

Ciudadanos has obtained 1,108 votes (2.45%), and has lost the two representatives it had in the City Council.

In these municipal elections, Mataró ens Mou (1,063 votes, 2.35%), Valents (653 votes, 1.44%) and the Catalan National Front (245 ballots, 0.54%) had also appeared, which have not obtained enough support to enter the consistory.