The Balearic Islands take a turn to the right after eight years of left-wing government liberated by Francina Armegol. The PP candidate, Marga Prohens, a former deputy in Congress, is already the virtual president of the Balearic Islands, having achieved 25 of the 59 deputies of the Balearic Parliament. Her ambition is to govern alone, but she must first get Vox’s 8 votes in the Balearic Chamber.

On the contrary, the collapse of Podemos in the Comunitat drags with it the entire left and leaves it with no options to govern. Armengol more or less maintains the type in Mallorca, but the game falls in Menorca and Eivissa. Més per Mallorca and Més per Menorca also maintained results, with 4 and 2 seats.

Podemos loses four deputies and weighs down the entire pact. The purple lose four deputies and are left with two, one for Menorca and another for Eivissa. This implies that the leader of the formation in the Islands, Antònia Jover, does not achieve a presence in the Balearic Chamber. The Parliament of the islands is left without representation of two parties. Ciudadanos disappears and the PI, a regionalist party that could have been key in the formation of the Balearic Government, does not achieve the minimum 5% that the electoral law establishes.

The turn to the right is unappealable, but it leaves the question of how the Government is now articulated. The candidate, Marga Prohens, has repeated throughout the electoral campaign that she does not want to form a government with Vox, but her 25 votes leave her far from an absolute majority of 30 deputies. On the other side, Vox reiterates that its intention is to be part of the new Balearic Government.

The change of direction of the Islands not only occurs in the Balearic Parliament, but is also spread to the main institutions of the Islands. In Palma City Council, where the left also governed, the right wins and between PP and Vox they far exceed the 15 votes needed to govern.

The same thing happens in other municipalities of the Islands, such as Calvià or Marratxí, which have also turned around. The only two large town halls on the Islands that the left retains are Inca and Maó, in Menorca. The one in Eivissa also turns to the right, which until now was in the hands of the PSOE.

The PP and Vox will also control the councils of Mallorca and Eivissa, although on the latter island the PP is so strong that it will be able to govern alone with an absolute majority without depending on Vox. The left can keep the Consell de Menorca thanks to an agreement between PSOE and Més per Menorca and Podemos and the Consell de Formentera also passes into the hands of the left.

The new political configuration of the Balearic Islands suggests a large-scale agreement in which PP and Vox negotiate who governs the main institutions of the island. Prohens has said that, in this situation, it will be she who decides the pacts since she has autonomy from the national leadership of Genoa to decide.

The other big question of the night is what will happen from now on with the still president of the Government and PSIB candidate, Francina Armengol, who has exerted a firm leadership in the party during all these years. It will most likely be Armengol herself who will lead the replacement in the leadership of the party, but it may also be the case that nothing moves while waiting for the general elections to be held next December. One option could be that she is the one who heads the list of the Balearic Islands to Congress, something that the socialist Francesc Antich already did on her day.