The PP regains power four years later in the community of La Rioja and in the Logroño city council. The disappearance of Ciudadanos has had a soothing effect for the popular ones, who have absorbed all the representation of the orange party and, in addition, have been able to grow notably in support, reaching 17 seats out of 33. In this way, Gonzalo Capellán takes the witness of the socialist Concha Andreu and will be the new tenant of the Palacete.

Capellán signs a resounding and unappealable victory, which guarantees him the possibility of governing without depending on Vox. The formation of Santiago Abascal breaks in with 2 seats, but it will not be decisive. This is fundamental information for the future La Rioja president, who had boasted of a centrist profile in the campaign.

At the opposite pole, the socialist Concha Andreu has suffered a major bump. She has lost 7 points of support, remaining around 31%, and goes from 15 to 12 parliamentarians. The still president of La Rioja, general secretary of the La Rioja socialists, has indicated that the Regional Executive Commission of the PSOE will be convened shortly to “analyze the results and adopt the decisions that must be taken at the time”, although she has indicated that it is possible that the citizens have “voted in a national code”.

To his left, Podemos maintains its two representatives in the regional Parliament, although they will be irrelevant when it comes to achieving majorities.

The other loser of the night, beyond the socialist setback, is the Riojano Party, which despite going to the polls with Empty Spain does not achieve representation.

At the municipal level, the victory of the PP has been just as forceful. The popular candidate Conrado Escobar will be able to govern in Logroño with an absolute majority, ousting the socialist Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza. The same has happened in most of the La Rioja municipalities.

The popular ones thus regain power in La Rioja and leave the PSOE very touched, which in 2019 had managed to put an end to 24 years of popular government in this community. An ephemeral change that ended last night.