The socialist María Chivite will be able to reissue her transversal government in the foral community of Navarra. The elections this Sunday have left a political map in the old kingdom in which the main novelty has to do with how the fracture of the right has settled. After the end of the Navarra Suma coalition (UPN, PP and Ciudadanos), UPN leads, as expected, this political space (15 seats out of 50), the PP remains with 3 representatives and Vox bursts in with 2. The three formations They are, therefore, far from an absolute majority, a circumstance that will in all likelihood be used by the PSN (11 seats) to reissue a government supported mainly by the Basque coalition Geroa Bai (7) and Contigo/Zurekin (3 ). The Socialists, in any case, will have to come to terms with EH Bildu, a point at which the Pamplona variable could come into play: the Abertzale coalition has been left there with very few votes behind UPN and it is likely that it will use this letter at the time to negotiate support for the investiture of the PSN.

In this way, the Socialists caress this reissue of the transversal government of María Chivite before the verification that the right will not be able to govern. They are the second force and the socialist leader has already expressed her intention to repeat the government formula in force in the last four years. There is another option, which would go through an understanding between the PSN and UPN. It is a formula that operated for years in Navarra, although it led the Socialists to their worst historical results.

Consequently, the path to form a government in the foral community seems clear, and the fundamental question lies in how the negotiations that lead to the formation of a new progressive government will be developed, which would be the second in Chivite and the third in a row, taking into account account the precedent of Uxue Barkos (Geroa Bai). The PSN has achieved results similar to those of 2019. Chivite has not shown electoral attrition, nor have its two main partners in the face of forming a government, Geroa Bai and Contigo/Zurekin (Podemos, I-U and Batzarre coalition) resented it excessively.

The socialist president, however, will also have to speak with EH Bildu, an external partner for the last four years. The Abertzale coalition has been the formation that has grown the most in these elections and is in a position of strength (it rises from 7 to 9 parliamentarians). It has also achieved notable results at the municipal level and has been second in Pamplona, ​​just a few votes behind UPN. It remains to be seen if the Abertzale coalition introduces the municipal variable in the negotiation with Chivite, which would force the Socialists to decide between letting the right wing rule, as happened four years ago, or allowing Joseba Asiron, former mayor of EH Bildu, to do so. who already led the city between 2015 and 2019. It is likely that Navarre politics will look at the Pamplona City Council in the coming weeks, on the eve of the Sanfermines.