* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we have gone in search of the first sun of the Ebro Delta, like the protagonist of this photograph, who, with the tripod and the camera, captures the moment of dawn.

We are in the largest wetland in Catalonia and one of the most important in Western Europe. It is worth living the first bars of the day in the Mirador de les Olles, the Badia del Fangar and the mouth of the Ebro

The Ebro Delta Natural Park houses several protected areas with restricted access. One of them is Punta del Fangar, a space with peculiar dunes that extend along six kilometers along the sea.

This wetland is not only ideal for photographing birds, but also for capturing the best sunrises. In this area of ​​southern Catalonia, 95 species nest, but many others winter, rest and feed during migrations.

Altogether, the Ebro Delta is home to 316 common bird species and some 360 ​​registered birds out of the 600 existing in Europe. Among the most colorful are the flamingos, common in rice fields, a very common crop in this area.