Isa Pantoja is going through some rather complicated days. Isabel’s daughter and Kiko Rivera’s sister has been the victim of all kinds of attacks on social networks, which is why she recently announced that she will take legal action. Now, in addition, her absence is added to the last gala of ‘Survivientes 2023’, a program in which her partner, Arsaf Beno, competes. Chabelita had to spend the night in the emergency room and was unable to attend the program.

The affected woman published her withdrawal in an Instagram story on Thursday night, shortly before the start of the gala. As she comments in the text, she had been trying to recover from a health problem that prevented her from traveling for some time. The television personality went through the emergency room, and according to her words, she hopes that the medication prescribed by the doctors will help her. In this way, she crosses her fingers to be able to attend the different programs in which she collaborates.

The collaborator of ‘The AR program’ also wanted to clarify the doubts regarding the problems that she had from previous days. According to Pantoja, this last-minute medical problem has nothing to do with the stress suffered due to harassment on social networks. She explains that it is something to which she did not pay enough attention to be able to focus on ‘Survivors’, and that from waiting so long has hit her square in the face.

Despite this last-minute inconvenience, Chabelita had time to post another message on Instagram after the show, celebrating her partner’s feat. Despite all the attacks received, Asraf Beno managed to take the leader’s collar in Cayos Cochinos and save himself from nominations. Pantoja wholeheartedly appreciated her messages of encouragement, both for her and for Asraf at such a critical moment for both of them.

Despite these physical setbacks, the most serious problems that Isa Pantoja has been facing in recent days are of a different nature. Since the most recent edition of ‘Survivors’ was launched, several of her followers have used her partner’s participation in the program to launch their most hateful vein. In this way, many users took the opportunity to send hate messages to the model of Moroccan origin.

The daughter of the tonadillera made it clear on her social networks that she will not let one of these messages go by, confirming that she will take legal action if necessary. ”From now on I am going to take legal action for the tweets that I have been collecting towards myself. As for Asraf, he will have to be the one to act in the face of the slander that has been spread around here. Be careful, in reportable things, not in criticizing a contest, ”commented the contestant’s partner.