* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Making the approach to the Josep Tarradellas Barcelona – El Prat airport I was able to photograph for Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia the Llobregat river that flowed down with great joy and, curiously, with chocolate-colored waters.

Thanks to the blessed rains, the river has this marvelous aspect that it’s nice to see it, when only a month ago, on the contrary, it ran very dry.

With the last rains, the river comes down, stirred up with earth sediments. Sediment is a solid material accumulated on the earth’s surface derived from the actions of phenomena and processes that act in the atmosphere, in this case, rain.

The upper basin of the Llobregat river supplies water to the Barcelona metropolitan area and helps produce hydroelectric power.

The Llobregat rises in the municipality of Castellar de n’Hug, in the Berguedà, at 1259 meters of altitude in the Sierra del Cadí, and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a swampy delta.