It was a very long day this Friday for Àngels Llombart (Junts), acting mayor of Rasquera (Ribera d’Ebre). Without neglecting her work as a teacher, but depending on her mobile phone, with her head in the Electoral Board of the Tortosa area (Baix Ebre). “I’m very angry,” she said, when asked about the draw that, if there were no surprises in the count, should decide the winner of the elections in her town after the 132-vote tie between Junts and Solidaritat per la Independencia (SI-Solidarity).

His party, Junts, had also presented an allegation explaining that two Solidaritat auditors had supposedly deposited their vote in Rasquera after eight in the evening, after the hour, after the voting had closed at the polling station.

Added to the intrigue of knowing that a coin toss would solve, except by surprise, what popular sovereignty had not solved, was added the uncertainty of knowing if the two votes of the Solidaritat auditors would end up being considered valid. A single vote was enough to break the tables and avoid the draw.

“Why can’t you do two years and two years if there has been a two-way tie? It’s stupid. In our case it is not about a majority, whoever wins must agree, but if it were about a majority… let luck decide that one or the other will rule for four years? There should be a more logical system, ”she reflected, annoyed, the mayor of Junts.

Despite the fact that the third councilor did not decide the majority, that in the Rasquera City Council he is in the four councilors, it has nothing to do with it, logically looking for a pact being the winning party than sitting down to negotiate with the third force, ERC, tied with the republicans to two representatives.

The acting mayor hung up her cell phone, went to eat, continued in front of her Primary class at the Perelló school (Baix Ebre) and waited for news from the Tortosa Electoral Board, with a representative of her party, Anabel Marcos, present at the last validation of votes. In the end, the two parties, Solidaritat and also Junts, kept their 132 votes. The complaint for the two votes deposited allegedly after hours did not prosper. And it was time for the draw.

Llombart chose tails. His rival, the Solidaritat candidate, Josep González Gil, expensive. “Tails came up and I won the third councilor,” said the Junts candidate, exultant. After chance, with already a winner, the mayor of Junts wants to seek a government pact with ERC. “Everything is up in the air. We have not sat down to negotiate, we have waited for the final result”, Llombart explained today, much calmer, 24 hours after the draw.

The previous experience of the government pact of the last term already exists, so the most foreseeable thing is that Junts and Esquerra repeat the agreement and Llombart continues to be the mayoress with a majority.

Chance also broke the tie of votes in Sant Feliu de Buixalleu (La Selva) and Sarroca de Bellera (Pallars Jussà), in each municipality with its own circumstances and particularities.