* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can see these photographs of spring landscapes in Berguedà, in which the clouds are the protagonists.

Spring in Berguedà is a season of rainy and cool weather, with varied vegetation that depends on the altitude, although this year it has not rained as much as usual due to the persistent drought in Catalonia.

In Alto Berguedà, the vegetation consists mainly of pine forests of red pine and oak. In the shady places there are beech forests and, more rarely, fir trees. Above 1,700 meters, black pine dominates and, above 2,200 meters, alpine vegetation.

The southern half of Berguedà is made up of low reliefs. The climate is Mediterranean with a slight continental tendency. In the central and western part, Valencian oak usually dominates, and in the eastern and northern part, Martinense oak.

There are different types of clouds that can help predict the weather. Some of the most common clouds are: