Alberto Núñez Feijóo and his hermetic nucleus of Genoa have imposed a strict control of the times in the 47 frantic days that remain for the general elections on July 23, hence the PP is going with lead feet both in the negotiations to form governments local and regional, especially if the ultra-right comes into play, as in the preparation of the lists, of which hardly anything has transpired. “We take it very seriously,” says one leader.

Although prudence is maximum, because it is about not making any unforced error that can be used in this long campaign by the left, the machinery to take over the governments of the Balearic Islands, Aragon and Extremadura, territories that the PP can snatch from the PSOE Hand in hand with Vox, it has already been launched.

Marga Prohens, the candidate to preside over the Balearic Government, yesterday reiterated her willingness to govern alone after the “clear mandate from the polls”, which gave the PP, which has the support of the deputy of Sa Unió de Formentera, more seats than on the left. But although, as Prohens pointed out, “there is no other option” and there is no alternative majority to his, he will have to ensure at least the abstention of the eight Vox parliamentarians, so this week he will begin to talk about a pact of investiture with the extreme right that could lead to a division of portfolios.

Something similar is happening in Aragon, where the popular candidate, Jorge Azcón, hopes that Vox’s vote in the Cortes will allow him to lead a “moderation” government. “We are going to talk to all the formations”, announced the outgoing mayor of Zaragoza, who criticized Javier Lambán for “declaring himself in absentia” by not going to the round of contacts started in La Aljafería and asked him to speed up the transfer of powers: “ The result of the polls is final. Lambán is wrong, he has to realize that he has lost. Democratic rules must be respected, ”he argued, referring to the proposal of the acting socialist president to leave Vox out of the equation.

In Extremadura, where PP and PSOE tied for seats, the Socialists called on the popular candidate to preside over the Junta, María Guardiola, to “land in reality” and not insist that she has won. She was not the most voted and she is going to have to rely on Vox to be invested “no matter how many turns she gives”, she reminded her. To derail it and retain the presidency, Guillermo Fernández Vara is preparing to convene the constitution of the Assembly as soon as possible: “Tell us if they are already negotiating, if they are challenging each other, if they are talking, because they say one thing and the opposite, one one thing in the morning and another in the afternoon,” said the spokeswoman from Extremadura.

All these movements are too slow for Santiago Abascal, who urged Feijóo yesterday to evict the left from power where possible: “It will not stay for us. They are the ones who have to decide,” said the Vox leader, who questioned that the PP has opted in Cantabria for “continuation agreeing with the corruption of Miguel Ángel Revilla.”