The Podemos executive offered her first political assessment of the situation yesterday, eight days after the municipal and regional elections, and her balance is that the party is still alive and that it is essential to revalidate a coalition government. “We are still standing,” proclaimed the co-spokesman of the coordination council, Pablo Fernández. Both he and his partner Isa Serra expressed the urgency of the party to sign an agreement with Sumar as soon as possible, without waiting for Friday, although sources familiar with the negotiation believe that it could be ready tomorrow or Thursday.

The spokesmen for Podemos requested discretion for the negotiation, although, given the possibility that a member of the current leadership of the organization would step aside as the leader of the IU, Alberto Garzón, has done, they affirmed that “vetoing names is torpedoing unit”. Party sources point out that Podemos has tried to speed up the agreement and in fact they pressured to have it ready yesterday, and thus be able to announce it after the executive meeting.

Regarding the first assessment of the electoral debacle of May 28, the executive considers that these results are the product of the size of her adversaries and the irredeemable condition of the formation. “Nobody ever said that this was easy, we have faced enormous adversities,” said Serra, and indicated: “We knew that our way of doing politics, courageous and always telling the truth, could have a harsh response from the powers of the country.” . The executive, however, does not give up and is sure that the purple formation “continues to represent the hope of changing this unfair system” and its presence in Sumar is an essential -“condition of possibility”- to revalidate the Government of Electoral coalition. In this sense, she also had words for the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, who considered the purple formation missing after its crash on 28-M. “Perhaps the PSOE wants to stay in the opposition to eliminate our political space,” said Pablo Fernández.

Despite the fact that the organization has not convened its highest body between congresses, the state citizen council, which it urgently met on April 1 to prevent the attendance of Podemos positions or candidates at the Sumar act in Magariños, which was held the next day, their spokespersons ensure that “the entire organization” supports the state leadership “in the analysis that unity is essential.” In this sense, the purple ones feel irreplaceable in the progressive space. “When the reactionary wave advances, it is more important than ever that there is an organization like Podemos that keeps hope alive,” the spokespersons point out.

For this reason, Podemos has adopted a new tactic in this process, antithetical to that of its previous agreements with the rest of the forces in the political space, consisting of not rushing the negotiation period until the deadline, with an unfortunate result in the Andalusian confluence. from a year ago. Podemos maintains that “every minute that we do not manage to reach an agreement is a very valuable time lost to convince the public that there is a party, that it is possible to win.”

Meanwhile, Yolanda Díaz’s platform announced yesterday the incorporation into the campaign team of the former secretary of international politics for Podemos, Pablo Bustinduy, retired from politics since the schism between Podemos and Más País in 2019. Bustinduy was going to be the candidate for the European elections on the United Podemos list, but a few weeks after Íñigo Errejón founded his own political organization –first as Más Madrid and then its state counterpart, Más País–, he abandoned active politics and continued with his research career as a political scientist in the United States. Yesterday, both Díaz and Alberto Garzón greeted the incorporation of Bustinduy to the Sumar team with praise on social networks.