Great surprise for a resident of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, who walking through a wooded area of ​​the Pi Gros park in the town of Baix Llobregat found a hand grenade.

Specifically, the explosive device corresponds to the Civil War. This was confirmed by the Mossos d’Esquadra this Thursday to Ràdio Sant Vicenç. The discovery, which occurred on Wednesday, forced the local police and the explosives specialists of the Mossos to act.

“There is enough evidence to confirm that it is an artifact from the Civil War,” the Mossos foreman, Miquel Ruiz, told the local radio station. He has specified that the explosive is from the year 1939, days before the fall of Barcelona.

Ruiz recalled that in that episode of the Civil War the two sides were on one side of the Llobregat River and the other. “There was an exchange of artillery in a few days where there were many soldiers there. Some abandoned their weapons and even deserted,” the mosso reported.

The foreman of the Catalan police has said that “practically all” of the explosives of these characteristics found in the area are from the Civil War. The grenade, as can be seen in the images, was already badly damaged.