The Konecta BTO group company, located at Calle San Romualdo, number 26, in the Madrid district of San Blas Canillejas, in Madrid, forced its employees to continue working on June 13, despite the fact that a colleague, Inmaculada, died suddenly at the company headquarters, reports El Español.

Several unions, including the CGT, UGT and USO, denounced that the company’s management forced the rest of the workers to continue working on the grounds that they “provided essential services.” The corpse remained for two hours at the company headquarters until the death certificate was processed.

Specifically, the CGT union has issued a statement in which it recounts how the events occurred and some of the conversations between colleagues from different plants through confused WhatsApp: “She is lying on the ground and we are taking calls. Are you taking calls? Yes They tell us to keep taking calls. We couldn’t wait to get there, the seconds seemed like hours and when we entered the sixth floor of San Romualdo, everything seemed like a B-series horror movie. Next to our partner someone was answering a call. The service continued as if it were.”

With this harshness, the union denounces the situation experienced that day in the telemarketing company and continues to denounce Konecta’s “lack of humanity, empathy and respect”.

The unions have requested a meeting with “the company’s health and safety committee to settle responsibilities; investigate everything that happened and establish a protocol for these cases,” reads the union statement.