To obtain a driver’s license, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements established by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT). One of the most feared by all is usually the theoretical exam, since it is the first obstacle that applicants will encounter to get the long-awaited permit. The nerves of the moment and the characteristics of the control – in half an hour a questionnaire of 30 questions must be answered and only three errors are allowed at most to pass – make the test a hard test for thousands of people.

A report prepared by the road training publisher Pons Seguridad Vial reveals the 10 most failed questions in the preparation tests to obtain the B permit (the car license). The sample has been made based on 650,000 online tests registered between the months of January and June 2023 on the Pons Digital online platform with which more than 1,500 driving schools work.

The head of training at Pons Seguridad Vial and author of the report, Fernando Solas, highlights that this year the most failed questions are adding those referring to safe mobility in the city. “In this way we find questions about Low Emission Zones, maximum speed in the city or personal mobility vehicles, commonly known as electric scooters.”

We are going to review, below, which are the 10 questions that generate the most doubts for students when preparing for the theoretical exam to get the B driving license.


B. Yes, but it takes at least two years with the B permit.

C. Yes, if you have up to 9 seats including the driver.

Correct answer: C

Explanation: with the B permit, cars can be driven up to a maximum authorized mass of 3,500 kg, as long as they carry up to 9 seats, including the driver.

The key to this question: with the B permit you can drive a car, but also many more vehicles, including cars up to 3,500 kg and up to 9 seats. Even if they have a trailer of up to 750 kg attached.

A. Indicates a road reserved exclusively for cycles.

B. Indicates a lane reserved for pedestrians and cycles.

C. Prohibits bicycles from riding on the road.

Correct answer: B.

Explanation: this signal indicates the existence of a path for pedestrians and cycles, segregated from motorized traffic, and that runs through open spaces, parks, gardens or forests.

The key to this question: the error in this question is caused by believing that it is an exclusive road for cycles, as it may seem from the silhouette, although it is a road reserved for pedestrians and cycles. Not to be confused with the circular sign with the blue background and this same silhouette in white because this sign is exclusively for cycles.

A. Yes, if they are approved and do not affect road safety.

B. Yes, because they are hands-free devices.

C. No, because its use while driving is prohibited.

Correct answer: A

Explanation: the use of mobile telephone devices, browsers or any other means or communication system while driving is prohibited, except when the development of communication takes place without using hands or using helmets, headphones or similar instruments. The use of certified or approved wireless devices for use in the protective helmet of motorcycle and moped drivers, for communication or navigation purposes, will not be considered within the prohibition, provided that they do not affect driving safety.

The key to this question: those that distract the driver or prevent him from properly perceiving the traffic are prohibited, unless they are approved and do not affect road safety.

A. Entry prohibited to automobiles.

B. Low Emission Zone.

C. Entry prohibited to all motor vehicles.

Correct answer: B.

Explanation: this sign indicates that it is a low emission area and that only certain vehicles can circulate on that street at the entrance of which we find it, according to their polluting potential.

The key to this question: circular signs with a red border prohibit. In this case, if we look at the pictogram, we will see “smoke” coming out of the exhaust pipe of the vehicle, that is, polluting. Which means that it prohibits the entry of the most polluting vehicles.

1.Loss of 6 points and 500 euros.

2. Loss of 6 points and 200 euros.

3. Loss of 3 points and 200 euros.

Correct answer: B.

Explanation: using handheld mobile phone devices while driving is considered a serious offense and entails the loss of 6 points and a fine of €200.

The key to this question: distractions are the main cause of accidents, and what causes the most distractions is the mobile phone, which is why the deduction of points has increased to 6 for its manipulation. In addition, it is considered a serious infraction, and all of them carry a fine of €200.

A. Yes, if you do it on the shoulder.

B. No, you must drive only on urban roads and crossroads.

C. No.

Correct answer: C

Explanation: the commonly known as electric scooter, is the so-called personal mobility vehicle or VMP, they are prohibited from driving on interurban roads and highways and highways that pass within the town, through urban tunnels and through crossings. And of course on the sidewalk.

The key to this question: VMPs are vehicles but due to the risk they present due to their low weight, reduced wheels and lack of stability, they are not allowed to drive on roads outside of towns, as they drive faster on these roads and on roads. the risk they pose in the event of a collision or fall.


B. No, you must also use the rear fog light.

C. No, you must turn on the front and rear fog lights.

Correct answer: B.

Explanation: when driving in fog, visibility is reduced and therefore the lights must be turned on. Specifically in dense fog, the position lighting will be used together with the short-range or dipped light and the rear fog light.

The key to this question: when the adverse weather conditions are mild, light, not dense, not intense,… the front fog lights will be used as an option. Except with the rain that must be strong or intense. On the other hand, when the adverse weather conditions are strong, dense, intense… the rear fog lights will be used compulsorily. Except with the rain that must be very strong or very intense.

A. No, you must ride in the right lane.

B. Yes, because the road is not saturated.

C. Yes, if the movement of other vehicles behind is not hindered.

Correct answer: A

Explanation: the driver of a car when driving outside a town on roads with more than one lane reserved for his direction of travel, will normally drive in the one located furthest to his right, although he may use the rest of the lanes in that direction when the circumstances of the traffic or the road make it advisable (to overtake, facilitate incorporation, due to congested traffic, etc.), provided that it does not hinder the progress of another following you.

The key to this question: even today we see that many drivers, when driving out of town on a road with several lanes in their direction, do not drive in the right lane, even if it is free. This causes future drivers to not respect the norm by seeing this behavior on a regular basis when they circulate as passengers in vehicles.

A. At crosswalks, on sidewalks, and in other pedestrian areas.

B. When you are going to turn with your vehicle to enter another road and there are pedestrians who want to cross, even though there is no way for them.

C. When the vehicle crosses a shoulder on which pedestrians are circulating but which have a pedestrian area.

Correct answer: A

Explanation: drivers have right of way for their vehicles, with respect to pedestrians, except in the following cases:

The key to this question: on the road the priority is for the vehicle, except in the cases that have been mentioned above, but as is logical if we find a pedestrian on the road, we must moderate our speed and if necessary stop to avoid any risk of being run over.

A. 45 mph.

B. 50 km/h.

C. 20 km/h.

Correct answer: C

Explanation: the generic speed limit on urban roads will be:

The key to this question: many drivers have remembered that the speed on urban roads has been reduced to 30 km/h, without knowing that the regulations state that the maximum speed will be 20 km/h when the road have a single road and sidewalk platform.