The ex-collaborators of Sálvame are back in Spain after a few long weeks of recording on the American continent. Despite the fact that they faced the challenge with great enthusiasm and that they all left for the United States excited and happy, the former employees of Mediaset España have confessed that they have lived a few days of a lot of work and stress, although they all agree that it has been worth it.

Terelu Campos, Víctor Sandoval, Chelo García Cortes, Kiko Matamoros, Belén Esteban, Lydia Lozano, Kiko Hernandéz and María Patiño were chosen by the Netflix streaming platform to record a docurreality looking for work in America after the new Mediaset dome canceled Save me forever.

Terelu Campos is more than happy to have lived this experience across the Atlantic. Carmen Borrego’s sister feels very lucky to continue having a television life after so many years, but she is going through a hard personal moment due to the complicated state of her mother’s health, which is why she wanted to return home as soon as possible. .

On his arrival in our country, Campos spoke with Europa Press and confessed that he had not had time to see the defense that his daughter, Alejandra Rubio, has made of the family on television sets during these weeks, as well as nor has he had the opportunity to listen to the beautiful words that Rubio dedicated to his grandmother on Grandparents Day.

“I couldn’t see it,” the woman said with a smile when reporters told her that her daughter has been defending her family tooth and nail in the face of malicious comments from some collaborators.

Rocío Carrasco’s friend said goodbye to the media, making it clear that the first thing she was going to do when she got home was to leave her bags and run to see her mother.

Terelu Campos wrote her blog the other day for the magazine Lecturas from the other side of the pond and assured that filming in Miami is “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” The television presenter assured that she had been “more than 24 hours without sleep” and that they had suffered unbearable heat on set: “We work in the most infernal heat that you can imagine. (…) I cannot describe to you in words what we are going through. At half past six in the morning there is a fire in the street. Here they don’t know the middle ground, because you enter the premises and it seems that you are in Siberia”.

Carmen Borregó’s sister also acknowledged that the result will be very good, since everyone was bringing out their true personalities: ”In the end, I think that how each one of us is emerging. We are different, each with their own style, and I think that is the charm of what we are doing.”