Homework, emails, meetings, coffee break. More homework, more emails, more meetings, and another coffee break. Day after day for months until, finally, there is only one more push left to enjoy, for at least a couple of weeks, the long-awaited and long-awaited vacation. The destination is chosen, the hotel reserved and all the plans to make and places to visit written down in the mobile notes. There is only one detail left: do not forget to configure an automatic response in Gmail.

During the holidays it is essential to be able to disconnect completely and not be aware of anything related to work. Only then can you really rest and come back with charged batteries. However, for everything to go as well as possible during your absence, it will be advisable to take some precautions. Possibly one of the most important is to establish an automatic response in the Gmail email account. In addition, it will only take a couple of minutes to achieve it.

In the holiday period it is necessary that all those people with whom you are in contact are informed that, during a specific time, you will not be available due to these days off. The best way to do it effectively and globally is to establish a notice in the main communication system of most jobs: the email account, that is, Gmail.

In this way, each time someone sends an email, the platform will respond instantly with the notification that has been previously configured by the worker who is enjoying his vacation period. Configuring this tool is very simple and quick to do, you just have to follow a series of instructions.