Castilla y León whispers in the ear of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Like a Jiminy Cricket who, with each movement that the national leader of the PP considers giving hand in hand with Vox, he reminds him of the uncomfortable lessons that he can entail.

Already in March 2022, Pablo Casado evicted from Genoa, Feijóo tried to inhibit himself from the coalition agreement that popular and ultranationalists were about to sign in Castilla y León. The former president of the Xunta attributed the pact of the two rights to the inheritance received to try, thus, to arrive with the unscathed service sheet to the national congress of the PP in Seville from which he would be elected president. But he didn’t make it.

Those of Santiago Abascal extended the post-electoral calendar to the maximum so that the handshake between the president of the Board, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (PP), and the vice president, Juan García-Gallardo (Vox), took place after the convention of the popular thus forcing the already appointed leader of the opposition to choose between attending the inauguration or declining the invitation.

Feijóo’s manifest discomfort pushed him to avoid the photo, claiming to be focused on a tour that took him throughout Spain to publicize his roadmap at the head of the PP. But, since then, the newspaper of sessions of the Cortes of Castilla y León has not stopped adding uncomfortable episodes of a populism present in the autonomous government in the form of a coalition partner.

In the first plenary session held in the Cortes of Valladolid after the pact of the two rights was sealed, García-Gallardo accused the left of “inviting mothers to crush their children with disabilities in the womb.” As if the assertion, by itself, were not uncomfortable enough for a PP where the debate on abortion has never enjoyed consensus, he addressed Noelia Frutos, a disabled socialist attorney, to whom he would speak “as if was a person like any other”. Despite the hubbub, the vice president refused to withdraw his words and, in view of the dimension that the controversy had acquired, it had to be Mañueco who showed up to ask for a lukewarm apology on deferral.

For the second plenary session, Vox slipped that the renewed Government of Castilla y León did not recognize gender violence and, in addition, admitted not having major initiatives against depopulation -especially in rural areas whose council claimed for itself- beyond blaming This is due to the “hypersexualization of society that trivializes sex.”

For the third, Vox had already displayed its climate denialism despite the devastating wave of forest fires that last summer devastated large areas of the largest community in Spain. And for the fourth, García-Gallardo had already called the Citizens’ Attorney, Francisco Igea, an “idiot” after he cornered him for the irregular use of public media.

With parliamentary decorum in the air came the initiative to make women determined to abort listen to the fetal heartbeat and which, in the face of the discomfort of a large part of the regional barons of the PP, forced Feijóo to take a step forward to promise that “No woman would be coerced.” And, more recently, the non-compliance with the sanitary measures of the European Union against bovine tuberculosis due to the scientific denialism of Vox that underestimated the sanitary controls.

Despite the tension reached, the national leadership of the PP has not considered breaking the coalition. In Génova 13 they are inclined to maintain the newspaper pulses that their partner raises, alleging that it will be Vox, and not the popular ones, who accuse this wear and tear in the long run. But no one dares to predict if, when the investiture of the next president of the government is resolved, an electoral advance will be decreed that will put an end to the manifest discomfort that Vox represents for the PP in Castilla y León.