Vox’s offer to Feijóo of the votes of his deputies without conditions “have changed the rules of the game.” This has been stated by Elías Bendodo, general coordinator of the PP, who has insisted on the PNV to return to position itself after the far-right movement.

Bendodo, who has not ruled out offering the PNV a seat on the Congressional Board during the negotiations, has remarked that “the PP talks to everyone and agrees with almost everyone”, and has asked for discreet talks with the other parties.

However, after learning that Vox offers its seats to Fejóo, PNV sources referred yesterday to Ortuzar’s refusal to agree with the PP: “Everything remains the same.” In addition, through the official Twitter account of the PNV, the Basque party has remarked that “on July 24, the Euzkadi Buru Batzar established his position with crystal clarity”, thus rejecting a vote in favor of Feijóo.

The popular general coordinator has indicated as “an important step” the offer of its 33 deputies that Vox made yesterday to Alberto Núñez Feijóo. In this sense, he has affirmed that this step “gives the green light to a possible investiture by the people.”

“Today, the PP has more support than the PSOE,” added Bendodo. With the Vox movement, the Popular Party has 170 yeses, and the general coordinator has indicated that they “continue working” to add the favorable votes of the Canary Islands Coalition (CC) and UPN.

Regarding the negotiation with CC, Bendodo has assured that “the good relationship in the Government of the Canary Islands” (where CC governs with the support of the PP) will help to obtain the support of the canaries for the investiture of Feijóo. With optimism, the general coordinator has affirmed that “Feijóo will go to the investiture when the King proposes it” and has explained what a government led by Feijóo would be like. “It will be broad because it will identify many sensitivities” and “it will have fewer ministers”, he added.

Bendodo has defended that the Popular Party “speaks with all” the parties, although it has put a red line in reaching agreements with parties that are not “within the Constitution.” “We cannot give the keys to whoever wants to break Spain”, he has concluded.

In the same line that the leader of the PP marked yesterday, Bendodo explained that governance currently has three situations. On the one hand, “the blockade with Sánchez’s ‘no is no'”, on the other “a government of 24 parties”, and finally “a solitary government of the party that won the elections, the PP”.

Regarding the government agreements that the PP has reached with Vox in territories such as the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community or Extremadura, Bendodo has affirmed that “the possibility of speaking with everyone must be normalized” and has assured that the popular leadership “has given freedom to territorial leaders.

“In Murcia, it makes sense that López Miras wants a solo government,” added the general coordinator.