The acting Minister for Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has reproached the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for wanting to make society believe that Vox’s offer to give it its support without entering into a possible government of Feijóo is “the result of chance” since, in his opinion, it is the result of the agreements “sealed in secret meetings” held in recent weeks with Santiago Abascal.

Said meetings, according to the minister, have consisted of agreeing with Vox “the denial of climate change and science”, “ending public policies in the fight against gender violence”, “the withdrawal of pride flags”, “censoring culture” and all this, “in exchange for offering them vice-presidencies, presidencies in the regional parliaments, different departments and different town halls.”

Rodríguez has criticized that the Popular Party continues to cling to these agreements, when the results of the July 23 elections have “punished” them, saying “no to regression and yes to progress.”

Likewise, the spokeswoman has once again demanded that the Popular Party, for the “sake of constitutionalism” to which they appeal, obey the mandate of the Constitution in reference to the blockade of the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary that “they have been failing to comply with for five years ” and tell “their far-right partners that the Constitution is the recognition of the freedoms and rights recognized therein”, is “recognizing the plurality and diversity of Spain, for example, in the eighth title of the Constitution and the organization territory of the Spanish State”.

Finally, the spokeswoman has encouraged the members of the PP to “take advantage of the summer and rest” to “assume, once and for all, the result of the polls that have mostly said that Spain has to move forward”, “that Spain it is plural and diverse”, and that Spain “is not represented, today, by the Popular Party or Mr. Feijóo”.