The Galapagar City Council, through its Department of Health and Public Health, has denounced the attempted poisoning in one of the feline colonies of the municipality, in the El Guijo urbanization, where bags of potentially dangerous poison for cats have been found. .

“But they also represent a serious public health problem for the child population,” the Consistory stressed in a statement. In the feline colony located in the El Guijo urbanization, signs had recently been installed to delimit the area and request the collaboration of the neighbors, reports EP.

Those responsible for the feline colonies have found bags of poison in the area and have alerted the City Council, which has transmitted the notice to the Security Forces.

From the Department of Public Health it is recalled that poisoning feline colonies constitutes the commission of crimes typified in articles 336 and 337 of the Penal Code, in addition to posing a risk to citizen safety and public health.

“This poison to cause the death of cats or other animals can also cause poisoning injuries or even death to children or adults,” recalled the area councilor, Carmen González, who has asked for citizen collaboration to avoid this type of of events.