There are certain stubborn thieves who inexplicably return again and again to the scene of their criminal actions. Last week the criminals targeted the Louis Vuitton store on Passeig de Gràcia. On Monday morning, the criminals advanced a few meters and tried, unsuccessfully, at the Chanel luxury store.

At Louis Vuitton they impounded a Fiat 500 whose owner reported the theft that same night in Badalona. In that case, the thieves had information to know that the Louis Vuitton store on the corner of Passeig de Gràcia with Rosselló had one of the side windows with broken anti-burglary pylons since July 22. Then they looked for a small car that would fit in that window.

And they found it, a Fiat 500 that they rammed at full speed. They smashed the shop window, but the car was so boxed in that they couldn’t back up to leave a clear path and steal as they usually do, in a few seconds. With the vehicle stuck, they only had time to make a single trip inside the establishment, from where they took handbags and material worth around 70,000 euros, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The Chanel assault was a fiasco. The establishment, in the Besòs direction of Passeig de Gràcia, does not have bollards and the thieves rammed one of their vehicles into it. They needed another hit on the storefront, but the patrol car on night shift in that area happened to be nearby and quickly arrived with its emergency lights on, causing the thieves to flee immediately .

On Monday morning, the scientific police of the Mossos d’Esquadra worked in the establishment, together with the investigators of the Criminal Investigation Area (AIC) of the Catalan police who have taken charge of the case. The main groups of thieves who operate with the embedding method in Catalonia come from the area of ??Besòs, Sant Adrià or Badalona, ??although some move directly from Madrid to carry out some robberies by order.

Just as the coup at Louis Vuitton seemed to have some preparation, the one at Chanel turned out to be a fiasco. Of course, the assailants managed to escape in one of the support vehicles. The investigation remains open.