The vice secretary of organization of the Popular Party, Miguel Tellado, has assured that “Vox has demonstrated a State service that the Government lacks” in office. Tellado has thus stressed that the PP must “thank and highlight” Vox’s decision to support the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

In an interview on EsRadio, the conservative leader stated that “Vox’s position allows us to continue advancing to achieve a government”, and recalled that “today, there is a majority of PP, Vox, UPN and CC of 172 seats in favor of the investiture of Feijóo”. “It would be good for the PSOE to abandon this flight forward in which it is”, he added.

In this sense, Tellado has criticized that “Sánchez acts as if he had won the elections” and has remarked that “the PP won the elections” although “it seems ridiculous to have to remember it”.

Regarding the pacts to achieve a parliamentary majority, the popular deputy secretary has warned that he would “like” the PSOE “not to try to naturalize the pacts with the independentistas”, and that Sánchez “can only be president if he grants a referendum and amnesty”. . “It would be a capital nonsense”, he has concluded him.

Tellado has also “regretted the loss” of Espinosa de los Monteros as a deputy, after announcing the Vox leader this morning that he is resigning his seat and leaving Abascal’s party.