Gender violence and sexist crimes do not let up in Andalusia, which has accumulated so far this year 30% of the murders of women by their partners or ex-partners in Spain. After the Government Delegation against Gender Violence confirmed this morning that the 27-year-old woman who died yesterday with her throat cut at the hands of her partner in Almería complied with these criteria, there are already 10 fatalities in the region . And this figure could increase to 11 in the next few hours after another woman was found shot dead next to the body of the man she was separating from in Pozoblanco, in Córdoba.

In just 18 days, up to three sexist crimes have been registered in the community. To the death of the 54-year-old woman from Humilladero (Málaga) registered in the statistics of the Ministry of Equality on July 20, was added the murder of a 22-year-old girl in Utrera (Seville), who was recognized as such on July 31, and that of a 27-year-old woman in the Pescadería neighborhood of Almería.

“We have had a very hard summer in Andalusia and throughout Spain”, pointed out the Minister of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality, Loles López, “after an illness, or at the same time as illnesses, (gender violence) It is the biggest scourge we have”. In the first eight months of 2023, 33 women have been murdered in the country, 1,207 since the records began to be computed in 2003.

The Almería city council celebrated a minute of silence today as a sign of rejection of the death of Zhour at the hands of his partner. The woman, 27 years old and of Moroccan origin, had her throat cut by her partner, 32, who used a 10-centimeter kitchen knife to kill her in front of her three children. The Pescadería neighborhood was trying to help her children when they asked for help on the street, but nothing could be done to save her mother’s life.

It was the agents of the National Police who arrested the attacker, who put up “moderate resistance” when they tried to reduce him and even, according to police sources, “used one of his own children as a shield.” The man, with no record or previous complaints of ill-treatment, will go to court in the next few hours, according to the Government sub-delegate in Almería, José María Martín.

The three children that the couple shared, aged six months, 8 and 9 years old, were witnesses to the crime and are now receiving psychological help from the Junta de Andalucía staff, who have transferred them to a juvenile center for the duration of the crime. the guardianship process by the autonomous administration, although the door is left open for a family member to decide to take care of them.

The woman from Pozoblanco also had three children whose body appeared today at her home along with her husband’s. The 31-year-old victim would have died from a shot fired by his partner, 39, and then he would have taken his own life in the same way using a carbine. In the house was the little daughter of just two years of age.

The Civil Guard investigates the case as an alleged sexist crime, and the circumstance arises that both were in the middle of the divorce process. Several complaints of mistreatment did weigh on him, although since 2018 there had been no new episodes and there was no protection measure in force for her or restraining orders from her. The woman she was planning to leave her family home today.

If confirmed, the number of women murdered in Andalusia in crimes of this nature would rise to eleven.

The woman from Almería is the tenth fatality so far this year in the Andalusian community, after the murder of a 22-year-old woman in Utrera (Seville) was confirmed on July 31, allegedly at the hands of her partner. . The victim had not requested help from the social services of the Utrera City Council in relation to the alleged ill-treatment and there are no records of her complaints in the VioGén system.

A few days earlier, on July 20, the murder of a 54-year-old woman in Humilladero (Málaga) was confirmed as a case of gender violence. In this case, there were previous complaints of gender violence against the alleged aggressor, but she was not a user of the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM) or the network of Municipal Information Centers for Women in the province.

In the month of May, specifically, on the 18th, the stabbing of a 28-year-old woman in Torremolinos (Málaga) at the hands of a man who was arrested was confirmed as gender violence. There were no previous complaints against the attacker.

In the same month, specifically on the 3rd, the Government Delegation against Gender Violence confirmed as a case of gender violence the murder of a 39-year-old woman of Romanian nationality in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) at the hands of a man who was arrested after reporting the death, it was a case of gender violence. There were no previous complaints of gender violence against the alleged aggressor.

A month earlier, on April 4, the murder of another Romanian woman allegedly at the hands of her ex-partner in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), who was arrested hours later, was also confirmed as gender violence. There were no previous complaints either.

In addition, on March 1, the murder by firearm of a 17-year-old girl in the municipality of El Rubio (Seville) allegedly at the hands of her ex-partner was confirmed as gender violence, and on February 3 another murder of a woman 64-year-old whose body was found at a home in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) next to that of a man with gunshot wounds.

Already in February, on the 3rd, the murder of a 64-year-old woman whose body was found at a home in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) was also confirmed along with that of a man with gunshot wounds.

Likewise, on January 13, there was confirmation of the case of a 46-year-old woman murdered by her ex-partner in Marbella (Málaga) and whose body without head or hands was found floating in the sea a few days before. There were no previous complaints of gender violence against the alleged aggressor.

Finally, on January 9, the case of another 46-year-old woman allegedly murdered by her partner in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), the first of 2023 in Andalusia, was confirmed as gender violence. The victim had not previously filed complaints against her alleged aggressor, 40, who had a history of gender violence by another previous partner.