Alba Silva has had a very hard few months. On May 28, when the Andalusian woman was enjoying the pilgrimage in El Rocío, Huelva, together with her husband, the soccer player Sergio Rico, he suffered an accident with a horse and had to be transferred by helicopter to the Virgen del Rocío hospital in Seville.

Once he got there, medical professionals diagnosed him with a severe head injury and induced him into a coma. For weeks, the goalkeeper’s family lived in absolute uncertainty, since Rico’s recovery was slow and anything could happen. “Every minute counts,” the doctors repeated endlessly.

Alba Silva never separated from her husband during that first fatal month. She is strong and brave, she drew courage from where she did not have and spoke to the press every day, affirming that she had hope despite the circumstances.

After more than 20 days without updates on his health status, Rico began to respond favorably to treatment and little by little he improved until he achieved some stability. The PSG goalkeeper woke up and was taken to the plant, where he was slowly recovering. Although he had to undergo an aneurysm operation just a few weeks ago, the recovery is ongoing and the prognosis is good.

For her part, Alba Silva has taken advantage of a moment of personal peace and has shared some very special writings for her on Instagram. The young content creator wanted to talk to her followers about how she currently feels, as well as apologize for having abandoned the application.

”I upload the photos at the wrong time, the reality is that I am in the hospital day and night except for a few hours in the afternoon in which I take the opportunity to put my life in order: home, work, family and rest. It is not that it has a lot of content, but I want to resume Instagram because I know that I have abandoned you and little by little I feel more like going back,” the young woman wrote in one of the Instagram stories.

In the image that accompanies the text, you can see the instagramer in comfortable clothes sitting in the hospital chair, right next to the “love of her life.”

The young content creator has also wanted to talk about how the footballer is and has explained to his more than 202,000 followers that he is “fine”, but that they are waiting for the doctors to assure them that the goalkeeper is not in any danger to go home in peace.

His departure from the Sevillian hospital is being delayed due to the recent intervention on Rico and the endless number of tests that have been carried out on him. Once he is discharged, Rico will spend some time at home in the care of his loved ones.