The former deputy of Vox Víctor Manuel Sánchez del Real has charged against TVE for questioning, in their gatherings, the personal reasons communicated by Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, former parliamentary spokesman for Vox, to justify his withdrawal from the political front line and from the party leadership of Santiago Abascal. Del Real criticized the fact that Espinosa’s departure was linked to internal discrepancies in the far-right formation.

Sánchez del Real, one of the founders of Vox, entered live on TVE’s morning gathering this Wednesday in which Espinosa’s departure from the formation led by Santiago Abascal had been analyzed. Del Real attacked public television, after the departure of the ex-spokesman of the far-right party was related to problems within the same formation, questioning the personal reasons that Espinosa communicated yesterday, at a press conference in The deputies congress.

“It is shameful that his words are being doubted in a public environment. There are family reasons and no one has the right to discuss it,” shared the former deputy. In the same way, Del Real has indicated that there may be “professional reasons, not political ones” due to the pressure that, according to him, the media exert against Vox, especially the public ones, after the decision of the exporter.

Del Real has shared that he considers the departure of Espinosa de los Monteros from Vox “one more blow to the drift” that the far-right formation is suffering in recent times, but it does not “surprise” him. The former deputy has pointed out that, “to this day those who defended certain ideas have left voluntarily, and others are away without knowing why.” Among the latter, he refers to himself, who was left off the 23-J lists.

Sánchez del Real explains this Wednesday in El Mundo that “now there are only people left within Vox who only represent certain ideas.” When Del Real was dismissed on June 16, the former deputy avoided direct criticism of Vox. Now, after Espinosa’s departure, he has clearly shown his disagreement. The withdrawal of the former parliamentary spokesperson for Vox has provoked the reaction of those who held positions of responsibility in the party.