A total of 850 Civil Guard agents from different specialties are part of the security device established for the Medusa Festival, which is held from today until August 14 in the Valencian town of Cullera, according to the Armed Institute.

Thus, the presence of the agents will increase at night, in matters such as road safety, public order, citizen security and anti-terrorism in order to guarantee the safety of the participants and attendees of the event. There will also be the presence of foreign police –French gendarmerie– within the framework of the Safe Tourism plan.

In addition to the event’s own media, there will be the support of an image capture and transmission drone that will fly over the event’s area of ??influence and an anti-drone system to prevent unauthorized flights.

For the execution of the device, the Valencia Command will have the support of units dependent on the Zone and the Valencia Traffic Subsector, as well as other units of the corps. Among them, personnel from the Swedish Company, both uniformed and in plain clothes , in order to prevent the commission of crimes in the venue of the event and its surroundings; of the citizen security unit of the Comandancia de Valencia (USECIC) and the unit specialized in crowd control (GRS). In addition, there will be the ARS cavalry group.

Likewise, UPRONA agents will intervene, with motorized units, such as quads, to control the coastline and the dune area near the event site; the fiscal and border patrol (PAFIF), for the control of administrative licenses and excise taxes on alcoholic beverages, as well as the Judicial Police, to deal with cases of more serious criminal offenses.

In the same way, there will also be Traffic agents, to facilitate access to the population and carry out alcohol and drug detection controls; of the GEDEX and CINOLÓGICO units, for the possible location of explosives on the stage and surroundings, as well as narcotic substances inside the venue, GEAS, for the control of the maritime channel near the venue of the event; and the Maritime Service, for surveillance of the canal in case someone could fall into the sea.

The device will be completed with agents from the Information Service, to detect destabilizing groups or persons; and the Helicopter Unit (UHEL) that will supervise from the air and provide information to land and sea units.

In turn, a PMA (Advanced Command Post) is set up inside the venue to coordinate all the security details during the festival and there will be a representation of all the organizations participating in the security of the event.