During the summer the risk of forest fires skyrockets. The combination of high temperatures and dry vegetation creates highly flammable conditions, which means that a little carelessness or irresponsible action can have devastating consequences. We have been seeing it for a few days with several active fires in various parts of the Spanish geography that are endangering both natural resources and the lives of people.

The human factor plays a crucial role in increasing the risk of fires. The negligent behavior of man can easily start a fire that spreads quickly and gets out of control in a very short time as happens with poorly extinguished cigarette butts thrown from the car. Despite the warnings from the traffic authorities and the hardening of the penalty that this action entails, this continues to be a very common practice even today.

The Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety implicitly includes the prohibition of “throwing onto the road or in its vicinity any object that could lead to the production of fires or, in general, endanger road safety” . One of the cases to which the regulations refer is the fact of throwing a cigarette butt out the window, as the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) recalls in a message published on its social networks.

As Tráfico indicates, the infraction that this act of irresponsibility entails entails a fine of 500 euros and the loss of 6 points from the driver’s license. In fact, it is one of the infractions that the new Traffic Law now punishes more severely, since previously it meant the deduction of 4 points.

But that is not all. In addition to the penalty applied by the Traffic authorities, current legislation classifies as a minor infraction leaving, pouring or throwing objects or materials of any kind in the area of ??public use. These acts will be punishable with a fine of up to 3,800 euros. This figure may be even higher if this gesture affects the state of the roads. In this case, the fine would increase from 3,800 euros to 9,800 euros upon acquiring the consideration of a serious nature.

In addition, if the fact of throwing a cigarette butt from the vehicle is the cause that originates a forest fire, we can face a sentence of 6 years in prison.

According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of the Environment, 3% of the forest fires that occur in our country originate from abandoned cigarette butts or that have been thrown from one of the millions of vehicles that circulate this time of year. In the months of July and August alone, the DGT calculates that 95 million long-distance journeys will be made in Spain on the roads of the national geography.

Leaving aside the reprehensible act of throwing a cigarette butt from the vehicle and the consequences that this action may entail, it must be noted that smoking behind the wheel is a danger for road safety. Picking up the cigarette pack, taking out the cigarette, looking for the lighter, lighting it and starting to smoke are five actions that inevitably mean that you stop looking at the road for a few moments.

Likewise, from the moment the smoking process begins, the driver sees limited freedom of movement to drive, since one hand is occupied. This significantly increases the risk of an accident and, in addition, you can be penalized for it.

Although the regulations do not implicitly state that smoking behind the wheel is a reason for a sanction, this conduct may contravene article 18 of the General Traffic Regulations, which states that the driver must maintain freedom of movement and control of the vehicle at all times. . In this case, the user will be penalized with a fine of 80 euros, which could be up to 200 euros if the agent considers that this has led him to drive negligently.