In the last few hours, the Thai police confirmed that they will charge Daniel Sancho with premeditated murder. Agents on Koh Phangan are still looking for evidence, but now they have enough to believe that the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho had planned to kill and dismember Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta.

Let us remember that the cameras of a supermarket, in which the chef is seen buying a knife and garbage bags the day before the crime, would be one of them. Here various hypotheses are raised about the motivation for the murder, but also about how he managed to dismember the victim in such a short time. In fact, a criminologist raised the question this Wednesday in Así es la vida. Is it possible that she had help? A theory that, if confirmed, could turn the case around.

Since his arrest, Daniel Sancho, who has pleaded guilty, has always maintained that he was a hostage to the victim, who had threatened him with revealing details of their relationship to harm him and his family. And so he wrote it in some messages that he sent to someone close to him shortly after being arrested: “I am sorry that you are having to be one of those people who suffer from this”, “I was defending my life and that of the people I love”.

However, the evidence handled by the Thai police and that have been disclosed to the media would indicate that the Spaniard would have planned the murder prior to the events.

That’s life it was about this Wednesday to shed a little more light. For this, they had direct connections with Koh Paghan, they spoke with the director of the prison where the Spaniard is located and they gave way to the victim’s family lawyer. In addition, several experts from the set analyzed the case and gave their opinion on it.

One of the most impressive statements was that of the criminologist and lawyer Carmen Balfagón, who throughout the program raised a hypothesis that would give a 180 degree turn to the investigation and also to the future of Daniel Sancho.

“I’m sure he was accompanied,” said Balfagón. And it is that, after Sancho’s statement, in which she assured that it took her three hours to dismember the body of Edwin Arrieta, the expert indicated that this was impossible.

“The dismemberment of a corpse takes a long time. They say that it can be three hours only if you are helped by someone, ”she stated. Next, he explained the reason: “Because to separate the members of a body you have to pull, for example, an arm, to remove the bone in its entirety.” And she stressed, “I am convinced that he was accompanied by someone.”

To support his hypothesis, Balfagón made a profile of Daniel Sancho to show that he could have an accomplice: “We are talking about a person who has been protected, who has not had any problems or a violent history, and would need someone to support his actions.” .

And he added: “It is absurd that a part is taken to the sea and the rest is not taken. If you rent a kayak and dump your whole body, it would never have been discovered. It seems that there is an agreement with another person, loosely organized, for him to dispose of a body part in the landfill in a bag. And that person leaves the purchase ticket there for the material with which he allegedly killed him.

Finally, Balfagón also expressed his doubts about the investigation of the case at the hands of the Thai investigators: “What they say about the DNA tests is very striking. Who have they checked with? You know the identity of the person because you take some samples and compare them with the DNA of the closest relatives, in this case they would be the parents. And that could not be done, despite the fact that the Thai police have said so. I also don’t agree that the alleged murderer has denounced threats and nobody has requisitioned Daniel Sancho’s telephone numbers. The victim’s phone and computer have not appeared either. This would have to be done by the defense, seeing how it turns out”.