When you think about a job, you tend to take into account mainly its technical and basic conditions. That is, the salary, the schedule, the load of responsibilities, the human team with which one must collaborate, the computer programs or the different technologies that will be the day-to-day tool. However, there is another essential element: the psychological contract. A fundamental aspect in the field of relations between the employee and the company.

When applying for a job and preparing to sign a contract, just as it is necessary to be perfectly clear about all the points detailed in said document, it is also necessary to know what goes beyond. What will be the practical reality. A very important point that will directly affect the motivation of the worker and his performance in the workplace.

The psychological contract is the name given to those duties, responsibilities and commitments that both the employee and the company will acquire at the time the employment relationship between them begins. It is an exchange agreement that is directly linked to the expectations of both parties regarding the performance of the work. As well as the contributions that the worker will make in the company and those that said company will provide to the professional development of the employee.

The key to a good execution of these psychological contracts is that both parties are adequately represented, and in a clear way. It is necessary for the company to obtain an approximate vision of how the performance and evolution of the worker will be in his new position. Just like it will be essential that this employee is aware of the future forecasts that await him, since in this way a series of key expectations will be generated for his motivation.

It is this aspect of the psychological contract that affects the worker and his performance. This is because the expectations that the company generates in relation to his new job position translate into a series of hopes in the form of benefits that he aspires to obtain. And this will be what will largely determine his motivation. If it is positive, it will be reflected in effective productivity at work.

However, the challenge of this is to maintain that motivation over time. For this, it is necessary for the worker to be able to perceive the fruits of his effort, a responsibility that falls on the company. In the opposite case, that is, if this never materializes, the motivation will decrease. And with it, to a greater or lesser extent, his performance.