According to data from the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME), almost 36% of the population resort to aesthetic medicine, 40% after the age of 26. Of these, the majority are women: five out of ten women and two out of ten men are users of aesthetic treatments. Despite the fact that 56.7% of aesthetic medicine patients choose facial treatments exclusively (with dermal fillers and botulinum toxin being the most in demand), body treatments aimed at combating cellulite and flaccidity and reducing body fat are also on the rise. order of the day.

“Flaccidity occurs, fundamentally, because we are subject to the force of gravity, which causes the tissues to fall. For this reason, there is also less hydration between the vertebrae, so that they end up sticking together and we decrease: the cause is gravity”, explains Sonia Almela, director of Me

The person in charge of Me

What to do to prevent this slowdown? From being very careful with the sun, since it “decisively influences the elastin fibers” to trying to “anchor these collagen fibers to have a correct support framework,” says Almela. For this, it is essential to guarantee this support through specific body products. “Just as the majority of people, women in this case, use facial treatments on a daily basis, surprisingly the same does not happen with body treatments. At the most they are used for a few months and abandoned. It is a mistake, since we must use treatments specific to improve the formation of collagen every day, just like we do on the face”, continues the expert.

Almela also states that the most effective way to prevent flaccidity in both the face and the body is “to stimulate the protein that is involved in the creation of collagen, that is, to help the body to continue carrying out the processes that they will prevent it from degrading. The future of cosmetics must undoubtedly pass through stimulating functions, rather than providing a specific asset”. Having said this, Almela assures that we should not ask for pears from the elm, since flaccidity is a process of the organism and that, therefore, “in no case should any treatment be used with false expectations: that cell degradation can be delayed means that this will not occur. That is, the use of a firming cream will of course help that support mesh stay in good condition, but this does not mean that it will not give way over time “.

Thus, in addition to the sustained use of good firming products, which can combat the specific needs of each person (the neck, arms and décolleté also require their corresponding treatments), Almela recommends regular vigorous physical exercise and maintaining a balanced diet. “Those people who are not clear about what exactly a healthy and varied diet is, the best thing they can do is consult a nutritionist so that they can design an eating plan according to the needs of each stage of life.”

The MedicaDiet nutritionist, Álvaro Sánchez, qualifies, for his part: “Following an adequate diet will have a positive impact on our health, but this does not have to translate into the disappearance of cellulite, orange peel skin or localized fat Yes, it is possible that both the skin of the body and that of the face can gain a certain smoothness with an adequate diet, but in no case are we going to obtain miraculous results”. This also extends to supplementation, which is not going to contribute significantly to fighting flaccidity either.

The best thing to notice an improvement in flaccidity is, without a doubt, “doing regular strength physical exercise, which is what will really make us gain muscle and have a real sensation of skin firmness,” he explains, for his part. , the expert coach in healthy habits Natàlia Calvet. Almela agrees with her: “strength exercise stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, as well as helping to combat osteoporosis, so it is convenient to be regular in practice.”

As for food, although they are not a guarantee of eternal youth, certain changes in the diet, accompanied by sports, good sleep hygiene and good stress management, can help us to have healthy and good-looking skin. , as well as to delay the appearance of flaccidity.

“Drinking a lot of water is one of the keys to keeping the skin smooth. When we age, the skin loses its ability to retain its own water. In fact, the turgidity of young skin is due to the fact that it does retain water,” says Almela, who remember that it does not refer to “the typical unhealthy and annoying fluid retention, but to guarantee a healthy amount of water in the body”. Therefore, it is essential both to drink water and to consume foods rich in it, such as summer fruits, soups, gazpachos, vegetables, coffees, teas, and infusions.

A diet rich in antioxidants also helps counteract cell aging. They are present in a large part of fruits and vegetables and are chemical compounds that interact with free radicals (responsible for cell damage) and help to neutralize them. An article published in the pharmaceutical journal Elsevier points out that antioxidants “slow down the oxidation reactions of cells from which harmful free radicals originate. Therefore, their role is key in reducing cardiovascular diseases, tumors and of neurodegenerative diseases”.

It is best to always choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, since it is a guarantee that we will find them at their optimum moment, both at an organoleptic and nutritional level. Among the vegetables that cannot be missing in the pantry we find tomato, broccoli, blueberries or carrots. In addition, other foods that contain a large amount of antioxidants are pure cocoa or almonds.

As important as drinking plenty of water and consuming antioxidants is ensuring adequate protein intake, preferably at all meals. “Protein is essential to feed the muscle and the egg has a good amount of leucine, the amino acid responsible for turning on the muscle machinery so that it can grow,” explains, for his part, the dietitian-nutritionist at the Clínica Centro, in Madrid, Guillermo Gómez Vera. Egg proteins are also of high quality: they are said to be of high biological value because they contain all the essential amino acids, unlike other proteins that we find on the market. In addition, the egg is rich in vitamin A, which helps healing and has a protective function of the dermis.

“Blue fish has healthy fats and proteins, which help us maintain a good skin structure,” explains Calvet. Therefore, it is convenient to include sardines, herring, tuna, salmon or mackerel in the diet, as well as foods such as olive oil, avocado and nuts, which are also rich in omega-3. According to a study carried out by scientists from the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom), some omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can help strengthen muscle mass, which in the case of those over 40 can be reduced by 0. 5 and 2% every year.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed that women who ate an avocado a day experienced a significant improvement in the firmness of their skin. This reaffirms the evidence that the inclusion of fats as part of a healthy diet is beneficial for the skin. Avocados are also a great source of lutein, a naturally occurring carotenoid that, like vitamins E and C, is an antioxidant and helps protect skin from UV rays.

Vitamin C is essential for numerous body functions, especially for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body. It is decisive in processes such as wound healing, iron absorption and collagen formation, among others. Despite the fact that supplementing it has become fashionable, in general terms it is not usually necessary, since it is a vitamin that is very present in the diet, in foods such as peppers, strawberries, kiwi, citrus fruits or melon, among others. In fact, the excess ends up being excreted through the urine. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients, as it is vital for the production of collagen, vitamin C can contribute to skin repair and prevent the symptoms of aging.