Podemos breaks into the negotiations to elect the members of the Board of the Congress of Deputies with a series of proposals so that the Presidency and the governing body of the Lower House have a “progressive” look during the legislature that begins this Thursday. The purples also do not support a PNV leader succeeding Meritxell Batet as the third authority of the State.

Podemos, which will have five deputies in the chamber in the Sumar parliamentary group, has proposed a series of measures within the framework of these negotiations that, in the opinion of the party led by the acting Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, could be implemented in the coming years if there is an express will in the Table.

In the first place, Podemos proposes to reform the regulations of Congress to limit the indefinite extension of the period of partial amendments that has paralyzed a block of laws during the last legislature. It is a common mechanism used by the groups that control the Congress Table and that, during the last legislature, left fallow the mental health law, the official secrets law or the ELA law. The processing of outstanding decrees as a bill was also blocked, which, once validated, remained stranded in the Bureau, extending the term for amendments sine die. It happened in the last legislature with the decree that regulates the distribution of European funds, a rule that was surprisingly approved by an abstention from Vox.

Podemos is also in favor of a reform of the regulations so that it can be spoken in its own and co-official languages, and it has proposed this in the conversations to set up the Congress Table. The purples are thus aligned with the proposals of ERC, which this Sunday defended that Catalan should be stopped from being vetoed in the chamber, and of Yolanda Díaz, who launched this proposal a few days ago.

The purple formation is committed to a Table that puts a “stop” on hate speech “against feminists, migrants or the LGTBI collective, as well as the denial of sexist violence or climate change.” Podemos considers that some behaviors of Vox should not be tolerated during the last legislature.

The removal of the paintings and busts of the emeritus king, Juan Carlos I, from their public display in the halls of Congress is another of Podemos’ claims in these negotiations.

We can also denounce that in the last legislature there have been deputies who have not provided all the information about their assets, their income, their incompatibilities or their economic interests. In this sense, the purples propose “exemplary sanctions” for parliamentarians who refuse to provide this transparency information. Podemos looks at Vox and ensures that these sanctions could be applied immediately with a reform of the regulation.

Finally, Podemos proposes that Congress not grant “press accreditation to alleged media outlets that spread lies and hate speech” and that the necessary works be undertaken in the chamber to make it accessible to people with disabilities.