His name responds to an imaginary map completed in his journals. He is the captain of the “Ni-Ni” Brigade, neither amnesties (oblivion) ??nor your aunts (languages), deployed throughout the State with a desire for media tutelage. He says that when he was young he was a person of order, a communist. But the head of the “Ni-Ni” –he adds instantly–, neither from the extreme left, nor an adventurer, nor a terrorist nor a drug. Expressions that portray the character. Although he tried, yes, to found a commune believing that the use of our co-official languages ??was, solely and exclusively, to “cohabit”. That was his first approach to Catalan and not the verses of Josep Pla. The guy like now, beware, was not satisfied with taking out his tarot cards in his articles, but he wanted to found even his own religion. This is his mess. So until today. Do not give it many more laps. Not even his name.

Blue-tongued, he is annoyed by Catalan, Basque, Galician and Spanish “cohabiting” –here yes– in Congress. Forgetting, as my teacher Mikel Urretabizkaia has recalled, the criteria of so many illustrious people such as Felipe VI’s great-grandfather: “You must leave the Basque language intact to your children” – Alfonso XIII said in exhaustive order to the Basque Studies congress to finish off – “consecrate yourselves to the study and promotion of everything that can contribute to the advancement and progress of the Country, cultivate your language, the ancient and venerable Basque”. Well, that’s what the astute and shrewd new president of the Congress of Deputies, Francina Armengol, is going to do. To that there are neither red nor blue tongues. To integrate them as common heritage with political intelligence. And the one she should emulate, of course, the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán. We emphasize: the politician, not the one of the nights with Lina. She would help him reread Don Ramón Menéndez Pidal’s opinion on our languages.

So far “not even your aunts”; Let’s go now with the “amnesties” that are not a humiliating exercise in “amnesia”, because nobody forgets their identity or their memories behind them. After establishing a position, amnesty and article 92, we will take one more step: the conceptual one. This is how Zaratrustra spoke, that is, our Spanish democracy about “amnesties” in Congress. Look at the rich variety of synonyms of your honorable members in 1977: a) amnesty as an “institution”: “Go ahead (he says it before the discrepancies) that our Group accepts and recognizes the institution of amnesty, to the extent that it responds to ideas of indulgence, benignity and mercy, it is directly in tune with the generous sensibility of our people and our hearts”. Antonio Carro Martinez. Popular Alliance. He voted abstention; b) amnesty as “reconciliation” as “reparation for injustices” to close one stage and open another: “We, precisely, the communists, who have so many wounds, who have suffered so much, who have buried our dead and our grudges.” Marcelino Camacho, really a communist (remember the Ni-Ni brigade), pioneers together with the PCE and PSUC in requesting amnesty. He voted yes; c) amnesty as “trust”: “Confidence in a new era. Confidence in resolving political differences in Parliament and confidence in the adoption of formulas that strengthen understanding and solidarity among the peoples of Spain, without this implying less autonomy and identity of the regions and nationalities”. Josep Maria Triginer. psc. He voted yes; or d) amnesty as “the new coexistence”. The “amnesty as the ethical-political assumption of democracy”, hope and authority in the same instrument, which “produces benefits infinitely greater than any other solution.” Rafael Arias Salgado. UCD, center right. He voted yes.

The process of an amnesty is slow and laborious, as is remembered in the debates in Congress. It is therefore an error to register an amnesty law as a “verifiable fact” before an investiture. Demanding it is giving the non-agreement time to hit the amnesty, which is the waterline. A presidential amnesty announcement is just stamped paper. You have to study all the cases and do it well. There was an accelerated precedent in 1976 of partial amnesty that is often forgotten. In that text there is something extremely interesting: the explicit mention of the crimes of rebellion and sedition. Smile. That’s how we are and continue to be. Political pluralism, amnesties and our languages ??not only define us as Spaniards, they connect with our true constitutional soul.