Several members of the PP leadership, including its president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, have received “representation expenses” from the party as senators. This is stated in the declarations of assets presented in the Senate, and that El País announced yesterday, of the general coordinator of the popular, Elías Bendodo, or the vice-secretary of regional and local coordination and new president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, although the formation denies that they receive salaries or bonuses.

In these documents, which are not yet published on the institutional website, Bendodo reports that he received 14,500 euros net in representation expenses, while Rollán reports that he received 25,560 euros for the same concept.

PP sources explain that these amounts are not salaries, but representation expenses paid in relation to the function performed by both deputy secretaries who, in addition, are duly declared to the Treasury.

These amounts are known after the PP had to make public the amount that Feijóo received from the party, at the request of the PSOE and the demands for mandatory transparency, since the law requires publishing the remuneration received annually by senior officials and those responsible for the parties.

The PP reported in June that Feijóo had received 39,260 euros from the party in representation expenses since April 2022. Last week, revealed that the PP leader had received 31,850 euros more as “president of the parliamentary group ” in the Senate, a non-regulated figure in the institution and the latter money from what the Upper House grants based on the number of senators that make up the party group for expenses such as advisers or office supplies.

In addition to these amounts, Feijóo received 3,337.33 euros per month, with 14 payments, as a senator and another 1,958 per month for being a representative of the Upper House for Galicia, a constituency that is not Madrid.

The case of Javier Maroto, spokesman for the PP in the Senate during the last legislature, is also unique. He received 23,076.84 euros per year from the popular group, according to his declaration of assets, but his position as spokesperson is included in the Cortes according to regulations, so he already receives a bonus for this concept.