Last Saturday all the alarms went off regarding the state of health of the actress Miriam Sánchez after learning that last Friday she was admitted to a mental health clinic in Madrid, where the winner of Survivors 2008 went voluntarily after a worsening of her state of health in the last days.

As her ex and her daughter’s father reported in Fiesta, a program in which she works as a collaborator, the actress would be being treated by specialists, who would have chosen to induce a coma in order to confirm her diagnosis, given her delicate state of health.

According to Estrada, the situation is “very sad” and “very complicated”, since it would not be easy for any of his relatives to face. “I found out last night and what I know is that they put him in an induced coma to do neurological tests.”

“Obviously I am also worried about my girl, who is 16 years old and needs the figure of her mother and we will be there to give her enough strength,” said the journalist, who hoped that all this would be “positive” for her to move forward: “She I wish all the best because she is a great mother,” he concluded.

However, on Sunday the tables turned, because the actress’s environment was absolutely silent. Also with Pipi Estrada, who until then was the only source of direct contact with Miriam Sánchez for the media. Something that missed the collaborator, who would have been trying to contact them to find out about the actress’s status, without success.

“I don’t understand the reason, this lack of communication. I don’t have any kind of information, I don’t know what the reason could be. Today is a strange, strange day,” Estrada confessed, very seriously. The journalist even tried to get his daughter to intercede and call on his behalf to find out something new, without success.

“He lost his phone, he did not have his phone and he has not been able to do it through his mobile.”

According to Estrada, this lack of communication may be due to the fact that the actress had already come out of an induced coma and the diagnostic tests had been carried out, choosing herself not to comment on her condition and to rest. Even so, the journalist insisted that he was very worried.

Once again, Estrada wanted to make it clear that he will always be there for what she needs. “I feel respect and admiration for her. She has given me a wonderful daughter, she loves her mother very much. I don’t understand why this is happening because she really had a wonderful path.”