The Mataró Hospital (Mataró) has temporarily closed a general operating room of the health center -used by various medical specialties- due to the presence of the aspergillus pathogen, which will reopen when the disinfection and cleaning tasks have been completed.

According to hospital sources, a person who underwent surgery in that operating room for an ankle operation had a superficial infection by this fungus in the wound, which forced the health center to debride it (clean the wound) days later.

Sources from the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme (CSdM) have confirmed the contamination by aspergillus in operating room 1, which has been temporarily closed due to the presence of this fungus, which was detected in a routine control, and will reopen once the pathogen has been eliminated .

The CSdM has also wanted to send a message of tranquility and has stated that it has not been possible to confirm that the person in whom Aspergillus was detected superficially in the wound has suffered a nosocomial infection -acquired during his stay in the hospital-.

Regarding the patient’s condition, they have highlighted that the person is well and that he has been able to receive medical discharge with medication treatment, and that the closure of this operating room has had a minimal impact on the surgeries planned at the health center.

For their part, hospital sources have stated that weeks before, remains of this pathogen had already been found in local operating rooms in in vitro samples, without any apparent consequences for the health of any patient.

In addition, they point out that the person affected a few weeks ago in operating room 1 for the ankle operation, where the contamination was detected, underwent debridement of the wound in operating room 2 last Thursday.

The aforementioned sources have indicated that the possible cause of the Aspergillus outbreak is due to the expansion of the hospital operating rooms, since it is common for this pathogen to appear in health centers when there are works and movements of the operators who carry them out.