It is no secret that the leader of the PSPV, Ximo Puig, is one of the most federalist socialist barons, in line with Francina Armengol or Salvador Illa. And when he was president of the Generalitat Valenciana, he made, on several occasions, proposals for a territorial reform that would allow progress towards a federal model of Spain, within the Constitution, delving into, among other things, the possibilities of converting the Senate into an authentic chamber. territorial.

That is why it is logical that today he has aligned himself with the proposal launched this Thursday by the ‘lehendakari’, Íñigo Urkullu, to hold a constitutional convention to reinterpret the Magna Carta in territorial matters. Although Ximo Puig made it clear that this “reinterpretation” should not be limited, as the Basque leader suggested, to Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia. “It seems good to me that the Basque Country has that ambition, but we, the Valencians, also have our ambitions. And in any case, the territorial debate in Spain cannot focus only on the Basque Country and Catalonia; not at all,” he added.

Ximo Puig defended the need to address a reflection on the territorial debate in this legislature. “Of course it has to be produced but without leaving other regions and nationalities on the sidelines,” he specified. “I am not against the debate that it raises, but obviously it must have a broader look at the entire State,” he added. In his opinion, Spain is at a time when it must “look for more federal spaces” to improve the relationship between the autonomous communities and the Government, as well as to “clarify some issues” such as the role of the Senate.

The former president, who is a territorial senator, argued that “it makes no sense” for the Senate to be a second reading chamber, since in his opinion it should “assume the rights of citizens and work to unite from diversity.” “And that is what I will come to address. I wish it were possible for this legislature to be a federal advance legislature: that there is a possibility, after the experience of these 40 years of Constitution, directly reaching a position that gives Spain more stability from the territorial scope, more stability, more federal trust,” he concluded.

On the other hand, regarding the investiture process that the PP leader is facing, Puig criticized the “marketing” of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in his contacts with the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, and with other parties for almost a month until the plenary session is held in Congress.

All this when, as he specified, all Spaniards are aware of the “map” left by the 23J elections, which in his opinion makes it impossible for Feijóo to reach Moncloa since he does not have sufficient support.

“Somehow, Feijóo is doing the pre-campaign in case his goal of repeating the elections is possible,” he said. And he denounced that this Wednesday he asked for Sánchez’s support for a two-year legislature when his campaign focused on ending ‘sanchismo’.

And after dismissing this “extraordinary inconsistency”, Puig criticized the “popular” who ask for pacts when they are unable to agree to the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). For all this, he assessed that “Feijóo’s investiture is more linked to the internal dynamics of the PP itself than to the interests of Spain.”