One recommendation that I always make in this column is to cook as a family. That is to say, that the people who live under the same roof also share the responsibility of preparing their food and everything related to that task (cleaning the kitchen, washing the dishes, etc.).

But today I want to focus on asking mothers and fathers to teach their children to cook. Yes, to their male children. In addition to the many advantages of knowing how to cook, it will help them begin to realize that the “boys” and “girls” chores are a myth.

Instill in their young minds that cooking involves preparing, planning, and taking into account the needs of each one of the people who will sit at the table. That it is a manual skill, but also an effort of empathy and love.

I recommend all this because, looking at the news of recent days, it occurs to me that if there are more and more men who know how to cook, in the future we will have men who are more open to listening, more willing to assume roles different from the traditional ones and perhaps, emphasis in perhaps, a little less cavemen.

This week’s menu includes several recipes to introduce them to this world, but also, as usual, three servings of legumes, two of fish, the

Preparations with sofrito

Baked preparations

Fire preparations

cold preparations