If there is something that is completely undesirable in a job, it is that there is a bad work environment, since it can give rise to job anxiety in employees. This can be due to a whole series of reasons, such as poor organization or a lack of efficient leadership, but it can also be due to poor communication between your workers, lack of camaraderie or carelessness in the treatment of people. One of the usual reasons is directly related to destructive criticism.

The stress of having to deal with the obstacles and challenges of everyday life, the complicated situation of many people to combine their work and personal life, can be easier than it seems to fall into these practices. Either due to fatigue, forgetfulness or a direct lack of empathy. But the reality is that this type of practice must be avoided by all means.

The first thing to be clear about is the difference between what is constructive criticism and destructive criticism. The objective of constructive criticism is to warn about something wrong or that could be improved, while providing advice by way of suggestion. What is intended is to cause a positive change, which is useful and helps to improve the other person. For this, it is key to provide this comment in a respectful manner and without disdaining the work or the value of what has been achieved so far by the other person. This is an optimistic view.

On the other hand, destructive criticism is the opposite, the pessimistic side, since it has no other intention than to “destroy” with that opinion. It does not seek to build something, encourage improvement or be useful. Nothing but negativity can be extracted from it. They are often impulsive, inattentive to manners, and with a complete lack of empathy. It does not matter how it is received by the other person, nor if it is offensive or not.

Before making a comment towards a person, it is important to consider whether or not it is criticism. Secondly, it is necessary to assess whether this will serve to motivate that person and encourage them to improve, or if, on the contrary, the result that it will entail will be that said individual feels miserable or even offended without any other type of of additional contribution. If it is the second situation, it is better to save the comment because it is a destructive criticism that has nothing good to add. On the other hand, if the opinion is aligned with the first, something focused on the improvement of the person and that is useful, it will only have to be transmitted in an assertive and respectful way.