The Ministry of the Presidency, through the Secretary of State for Democratic Memory, has announced the start of actions prior to two disciplinary proceedings against two general directors of the Government of Aragon for exalting Francoism. It is, specifically, the Director General of Justice, Esmeralda Pastor Estrada, who exhibited the pre-constitutional flag on her social networks and posted messages of support for the Franco dictatorship, publications that she later deleted.

The Spanish Executive will also file a file on the General Director of Hunting and Fishing of the Government of Aragon, Jorge Valero, for the statements posted on Facebook about the founder of the Legion, José Millán Astray, whom he congratulated on the 139th anniversary of his birth. In other messages, Valero echoed a demonstration in defense of the Francoist military, and stated that “Franco prevented the reds from continuing to rape and kill nuns.”

Both general directorates depend on the two ministries that are in the hands of Vox in the Government of Aragon by virtue of the agreement that the far-right party has reached with the PP in this community. Both Pastor and Valero were appointed last Thursday, along with 26 other senior officials, as part of the government coalition agreement in Aragon between the far-right party and the Popular Party.

Sources from the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory have told EFE that they are “very vigilant”, that “not even one will happen” and that they will act against any act of exaltation of Francoism, as well as any conduct or Demonstration against the Law of Democratic Memory.