Compromís has denounced today the situation of the different positions of the Botanical that have not yet been dismissed from their responsibilities by the government of the Popular Party and Vox. Along these lines, it has announced that it will present to Les Corts a battery of requests for the appearance of the Botànic officials who are suffering from this situation.

For Joan Baldoví, spokesperson for Compromís, “it is indecent that, 53 days after their inauguration, the PP and Vox government have still not appointed important positions in their government and force the Botanical officials to continue in their positions. We are talking about an authentic political kidnapping of people due to the negligence and lack of foresight of the Mazón government. It shows that they really wanted to command, but little to manage.”

“In some cases, such as those responsible for emergencies, they have already had to deal with situations as complicated as the summer fire season or the last episode of DANA with a pre-emergency due to heavy rains. All this while the directors of PP and Vox are not looking for substitutes to manage ”, Baldoví stated.

According to Baldoví, “these people are showing great responsibility by continuing with their work. A behavior that contrasts with the enormous irresponsibility of Mazón and his entire government. For this reason and as a measure of pressure, we will request the appearance in Les Corts of the Botanical officials who are suffering from this unprecedented situation so that they can say theirs.”