There was no luck on the first day of regattas of the 6M class World Championship, in which the Bribón participates, within the classic category, which began this Monday on the regatta fields off the coast of Cowes (Island of Wight), in the United Kingdom. Due to the strong wind and rough seas, King Juan Carlos was unable to board and after the first two rounds, held this Monday, the Bribón was classified in seventh position, among the sixteen participating boats.

The state of the sea on the Solent coast, with strong winds, rough waters and many currents, meant that King Juan Carlos chose not to participate on board the Bribón, following the tests in an auxiliary inflatable boat in which he has accompanied him. Pedro Campos.

The King’s father participated in the training days on Friday and Saturday, but this Monday he did not do so as a precaution due to the strong winds and the state of the sea that have discouraged his presence on board.

Aboard the Bribón  the rest of the crew competed, consisting of the Spanish Olympic champion Jane Abascal, who acted as skipper, the Canadian Olympic medalist Ross MacDonald, Alberto Viejo, Roi Alvárez and the Spanish-British Simon Fisher, who completed the the quintet on board.

Last Friday, upon his arrival at the Cowes yacht club to train, King Juan Carlos showed his confidence in being able to revalidate the victory that the Bribón obtained in the previous world championships held in Hanko (Finland) in 2019) and in Vancouver ( Canada) in 2017.