These have been hard days for the Campos family. This past Sunday, the urgent admission of María Teresa Campos to the Fundación Jiménez Díaz in Madrid was made public. A piece of news that set off the alarms of the media and close circles, due to the knowledge of the delicate state of health that the former presenter of What a happy time has been dragging between 2009 and 2017. A situation that does not seem to improve.

The reason for which the mother of Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego was admitted to the medical center was a picture of acute respiratory failure. According to the hospital in a statement released hours later, at the express request of the former collaborators of Sálvame, the journalist’s prognosis was reserved within the seriousness. Now, a new writing gives a forecast that is not very positive, waiting for what may happen in the next few hours.

“The patient Ms. María Teresa Campos Luque continues to be admitted to the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital, where she was hospitalized yesterday for acute respiratory failure. Her clinical situation has worsened in the last few hours, and she is currently very serious. This statement is issued at the request of Mrs. Terelu Campos and Mrs. Carmen Borrego, daughters of the patient, to whom it is delivered”, signs Dr. Javier Arcos.

Upon leaving the Jiménez Díaz Foundation to take a break, Terelu Campos has been spotted by a team of reporters from Europa Press. The television collaborator appeared visibly affected by what happened in the last hours, and she had a brief exchange with the microphones who were looking for some statements.

The health of María Teresa Campos has been a matter of concern with greater or lesser affectation over the years, mainly since she suffered cerebral ischemia in 2017. The communicator had been away from the media since 2021, when her last program La Campos Móvil was canceled by Telecinco due to low audience. Now, doubts arise again in online portals, live gatherings and friends and acquaintances of the childhood journalist from Malaga.

One of the first people to show her concern in public was Belén Ro, a collaborator of Fiesta and an old friend of the family, to whom Terelu Campos informed of what had happened in a phone call: “I am in shock, Saúl has called me to tell me and I have remained that I could not react. He has called me Terelu, which I am very grateful to him for having communicated to me, and it is that I am like gone, I have not had time to react ”.

Another familiar face who wanted to send a message to the presenter was Mercedes Milá, through her Instagram profile: “María Teresa, they tell me, and I also read on Instagram, that you are at a regular time. I want to send you all the love in the world, all the strength in the world, what you have, so that you can soon leave that hospital. I am by your side, as always”.