The regional secretary for Equality and Diversity, Asunción Quinzá, has reiterated the importance of the family and environment of the victims of gender violence “reporting” so that the administrations and institutions, which have the “necessary tools”, can reach to these women and help them.

The regional secretary for Equality and Diversity and the commissioner for the Fight against Violence against Women, Felipe del Baño, have participated online in the Crisis Committee convened this Monday by the Ministry of Equality to evaluate the latest murders confirmed by the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, one of them committed last Wednesday in Alzira.

After the rise in women killed by their partners or ex-partners in July and August, Asunción Quinzá has highlighted the need to analyze “what is failing” and, on this point, has indicated that of the 7 women who died in the month of August only 1 had reported.

It is essential, he pointed out, that the administrations “continue to implement awareness-raising measures so that society knows that gender-based violence is a problem for everyone”, since, on many occasions, “it is the environment that can perceive a violence that women tend to normalize and, therefore, do not see themselves as a victim and do not denounce”.

Asunción Quinzá has assured that the Second Vice Presidency and the Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing will continue working to “guarantee comprehensive care” for women victims of gender violence and their sons and daughters and, “proof of this” , is the creation, within its organizational chart, “of the Commissioner for the Fight against Violence against Women.”

Today’s committee is the second convened this summer, after last July 8 murders of women were recorded at the hands of their partners or ex-partners.

The objective of these meetings is to carry out an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the background, as well as of the murders themselves, with the aim of obtaining useful information to advance in prevention and detect the weak points of the actions carried out.

The crisis committee is a measure launched in July 2022 that is convened in periods with a “high concentration” of murders of women, that is, five or more, or in those in which circumstances of “special relevance” occur. “.

Since then, the Ministry of Equality has activated the crisis committee on four occasions: in December 2022, after 11 women were murdered; in January 2023, after 8 murders; last May, when 6 crimes were committed; and last month, in July, which registered 8 more deaths.