Barely an hour after the appearance of Carles Puigdemont in Brussels to demand an amnesty as a precondition for Junts’ support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, Ciudadanos has come out from Parliament, where Carlos Carrizosa has harshly attacked the former president, the that he has described as a “Donald Trump emulator”.

The leader of Ciudadanos has appeared in the press room of the Catalan Chamber to criticize that the Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, traveled yesterday on behalf of Sumar to Brussels to “woo” the leader of Junts and has accused “bipartisanship”, in reference to PSOE and PP, of “being whitewashing those who attacked democracy and caused an economic crisis in Catalonia with the flight of companies”.

“PSOE and Sumar are looking to reach an agreement with Puigdemont clearly and with a photo, while the PP does it in a shameful way and without a photo, but Puigdemont knows that both are looking for him.” This is the analysis that Carrizosa has made of the attempts of Pedro Sánchez, on the one hand, and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on the other, to be invested as presidents with the support of Junts.

At a time when the PP of Catalonia is going through an internal crisis due to the confrontation between its leader, Alejandro Fernández, and the party’s national leadership as a result of the rapprochement with Junts, the leader of Ciudadanos in Parliament has intervened in favor of the theses of the president of the Catalan PP: “There is only one leader who raises his voice while the blackmailer Pugidemont is given the status of privileged interlocutor”.

Carrizosa has taken advantage of this situation, in a context, moreover, in which he sees Vox “disappeared” and “voiceless” in Catalonia, to vindicate the role of his party, which in the past brought together the vote against independence: ” Only Ciudadanos remains, who do not surrender to the fifth column that emerged in Madrid against the interests of the Catalan constitutionalists,” he exclaimed.

In this sense, he has announced that he has asked to meet with the leaders of the PP of Catalonia and the PSC to demand that they not pay this “discredit toll”. For Carrizosa, the conditions raised today by Puigdemont “are not to start a negotiation”, since neither Sánchez nor Feijóo can accept the “judicial and police impunity” that the former president demands or negotiate outside of “constitutional limits”. “As these conditions cannot be given, it cannot be negotiated. There is no more to talk about”, he has concluded.

Regarding the tensions that the PP is experiencing as a result of Alejandro Fernández’s challenge to the negotiating strategy of Genoa, Carrizosa has affirmed that the popular Catalans “seem mired in their perpetual crisis”. And he has lamented Fernández’s loneliness as a result of his disagreements with the leadership of his party in Madrid: “He is making statements that no one else supports in Catalonia.”

Likewise, he has taken the opportunity to break a spear in favor of the theses of the president of the PP of Catalonia, who was seconded yesterday by Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo in a newspaper article: “They seem logical to me, because to someone who defends the flag of constitutionalism and the impossibility of submitting to the identity dictate of separatism cannot seem pleasant to him that his party is starting negotiations with the architect of the 2017 coup”, Carrizosa has sentenced, who does not understand, as he has stated, Feijóo’s position.

From Brussels, the Secretary General of Ciudadanos and MEP, Adrián Vázquez, who yesterday had announced that the negotiations between Sumar and Junts are a “shame” from the point of view of the liberal formation, today he denounced the “lies” that Puigdemont led to the European Parliament and stated that “in a country with responsible politicians, PSOE and PP would sit down this afternoon to agree on a government that isolates the fugitive and the group of nationalists and undertakes the great pending reforms”.