After the Popular Party of the Murcia region opted last Friday for “the least bad option” and offered the president of Vox in this community, José Ángel Antelo, to enter the government to be sworn in as president next Thursday, both parties have today announced the programmatic agreement that guarantees the governability of Murcia. The document, which has been signed in the Regional Assembly, consists of thirty common commitments in the programs of both parties for the elections on May 28, as well as eight annexes that mark the commitments of each of them to form a government. coalition.

The most important stumbling block between both parties, the recovery of the Mar Menor, has been highlighted as a priority for the action of the Regional Government. “We will continue developing all the necessary executive and legislative actions for its protection, with the construction of new infrastructures that contribute to its conservation. We will implement new coordination mechanisms between all the Public Administrations so that each public euro invested results in the maximum benefit for the ecosystem”. PP and Vox thus leave the door open to new modifications to the Ley del Mar Menor, despite not expressly citing it in the document.

One of the agreements, which has been signed by the PP spokesman, Joaquín Segado, and that of Vox, Rubén Martínez Alpañez, establishes that the far-right party will designate the next president of the Transparency Council, who will also have the powers of defender of the Murcian people. They also establish that the Governing Council will have a maximum of eleven members throughout the legislature.

The government program does not forget families and ensures that “we will decisively support birth rates.” They commit to implementing measures that facilitate family and work conciliation. “We will place families at the center of public policies, promoting the Comprehensive Family Protection Law that recognizes and protects the importance of the family and its essential role in our society,” the document states. From all this, it is striking that the agreement does not refer to the parental pin.

They speak of equality, but without specifying whether there will be a specific department in the regional administration on this matter. In addition, they will promote policies to eradicate violence against women and include measures against suicide and a Mental Health Improvement Plan.

The agreement has not overlooked the defense of the approval of a National Hydrological Plan that contemplates the infrastructure and investments necessary to guarantee “water for all”, at a harmonized price and without discriminating against any territory. In this line, they are committed to supporting companies in the agri-food sector to continue being at the international forefront in the use and exploitation of water with cutting-edge water technology.

The coalition government is considering reducing the Personal Income Tax on medium and low salaries and for households with children under 12 years of age, as well as expanding the transfer tax bonuses for the purchase of a primary residence.

The agreement between the parties is also established to modify the Institutional Participation Law to promote the competitive bidding method in obtaining subsidies. It does not specify which social agents this measure will be imposed on. It follows that business organizations and unions.

As it could not be otherwise, the agreement includes the old demand for the complete culmination of the Mediterranean Corridor, which includes AVE, suburban trains and freight. “It is essential that it be executed at maximum speed and with sufficient capacity, culminating in its arrival in Cartagena and guaranteeing its continuity towards Andalusia, stopping in Lorca.”