Junts sent messages to the PP that it was willing to support the PP candidate for the presidency of Congress, Cuca Gamarra, in exchange for what the PSOE accepted for Francina Armengol to be appointed, as confirmed by the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. , validating the information published by the newspaper El Mundo.

According to Feijóo, the PP received messages from Junts that they would have their vote if the use of languages ??in Congress was immediately accepted, and also in exchange for a commitment to an amnesty law for those accused in the process, and a subsequent referendum on self-determination.

The PP’s response to the Junts envoys was no, considering that the amnesty was unconstitutional, and that the self-determination referendum does not fit into the Spanish legal system.

For this reason, the president of the PP maintains that if he wanted to he could be president of the Government, it would be enough “to give Junts what Pedro Sánchez is willing to give Puigdemont”, but he is not going to give it to him, considering that it cannot be be president at any cost.

Hence his criticism of the meeting between Yolanda Díaz and Carles Puigdemont. “Either he knew about the trip and authorized it, or Vice President Díaz must be fired.” It is the reaction of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to the meeting held on Monday between the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, and the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont. A request for dismissal that the popular leader bases on the fact that “if he does not cease it, he is complicit in this embarrassment that we have experienced as Spaniards and as Europeans.”

In an interview on Cadena Cope, the president of the PP described the meeting in Brussels as “unheard of”, a “democratic anomaly”, for “seeing a vice president of the Government negotiate with a person who is wanted by the Justice and who cannot enter Spain”, which in his opinion supposes “a disavowal of Justice and a discredit of the democratic quality”.

In the opinion of Núñez Feijóo, Yolanda Díaz’s meeting with Carles Puigdemont “will be, if the vice president is not fired, a preview of what Pedro Sánchez is going to do”, and if the interview was not authorized “it should be stopped for constructing a democratic anomaly”.

In addition, Feijóo believes that he portrays the Vice President of the Government, the same one who has refused to meet with him to discuss his investiture. “She has refused to meet with the candidate proposed by the head of state, and she does meet with people who, if they come to Spain, will go directly to prison.”

For the president of the PP, “so much cynicism no longer fits within an overwhelmed nation”, and he recalled that “in no electoral program and less in Pedro Sánchez’s was there amnesty, and he denied that possibility”, for which he considers that ” it is evident that they have deceived us”, because “what is happening is an amendment to the transition and to the Constitution”.

Feijóo also criticized that the vice president talks about “seeking democratic solutions”, as if those that have been adopted so far were not, and stressed that in his opinion “there is nothing more democratic than the fact that a politician who commits crimes is judged like any citizen.

The president of the PP also referred to the position of the PNV and the proposal of lehendakari Urkullu. For Feijóo, the PNV “is concerned about the Basque elections, and how to complete their result with the PSE in order to govern”, but the president of the PP warns that “paralysis or the lack of decision is not good, because when one is paralyzed , he is wrong, and Bildu -he added- is in a better position to win the Basque elections”.