The south has endured unusually high temperatures this year, a heat that already intensified in May and that has hit the community hard during the summer months, when the thermometers found it difficult to drop below 30 degrees during the nights. Associated with this, in the region there have been 31 serious cases of heat stroke, 5 deaths and 29 hospital admissions.

This Tuesday, the Governing Council of the Junta analyzed the report from the Ministry of Health on the impact of excess temperatures on the Andalusian population in summer, which places the majority of cases in the province of Almería, with fourteen.

In Seville and Malaga there were four cases in each province; in Jaén, three; in Huelva and Granada, two; and in Cádiz and Córdoba, one.

The risk factors associated with 22 cases were mental and cardiovascular diseases, morbid obesity, diabetes, renal failure, and COPD; and risky practices, alcoholism and drug addiction by injection.

Those affected were 24 men and seven women and, of the deceased, four were men and one woman. 65.6% are between 40 and 60 years old, 21.8% are over 70 years of age and 12.5% ??are under 40 years of age.

Among the deceased, two cases were over 70 years old and the remaining three were between 43 and 55 years old.

During 2023, the number of minor attendances diagnosed as heat stroke in Primary Care and that have not required hospital admission amounts to 412; those diagnosed in hospital centers of the Andalusian public health system have been 51; and by the 061 Health Emergencies Center there have been 12.

Regarding the number of heat alerts, 218 have been registered, of which 128 yellow alerts, 62 orange alerts and 28 red alerts.